At Chanel College there is a variety of uniforms for Sport and we encourage students to refer to the partciular sport for accurate information. For example some sports use the PE Kit which all students must have, whilst other sports we provide part of all of the playing strip.

PE uniforms are available to purchase from the school uniform shop.
Sports uniforms are available new from Trev’s Sports or ordered through the Sports department.
Uniform selling forms are available at the front office and garments for sale can be left at the office with the appropriate information.

For some codes the Sports Department provides a uniform. Numbers are recorded on issue and if the uniform is not returned, or returned in very poor condition, a full replacement cost is charged.

Complete sports uniform must be worn on all sports fields when representing Chanel College. There are no acceptable variations. When uniforms are worn with pride, this shows pride in our school and this is what we want to see when our teams are representing Chanel. School sweatshirts and jackets may be worn over sports uniform and track pants are to be navy.

Teams considering changes to their uniform must submit ideas to the Sports Council and School colours must be adhered to.