Permits are available from Action Forest Management on Oxford Street, Richmond for riding in selected areas of the Nelson and Tasman region forests

It is illegal for any rider to enter forestry areas without a Riding Permit as these are privately owned

Forest Areas that can currently be ridden with your Riding Permit include the Hira, Wairoa and Tasman forests. Other areas, such as the Trass and Moutere Forests are closed forests and Trespass Notices will be issued to riders.

Riders must be a current member of the Nelson Motor Cycle Club before they can apply for a Riding Permit (i.e. show their Membership Card)

A full set of access rules are provided with your Riding Permit, but include the following:
- carry a Fire Extinguisher on your bike
- have an adequate spark arrestor fitted on the bike
- not ride in the permitted forests during working hours
- not ride in the forests when closed for logging or fire risk or any other reason (as publicly notified in the Nelson Mail)

Note: The Nelson Motor Cycle Club is not currently issuing Forest Riding Permits. Please contact the Club President for information regarding this.