Kia ora e te whanau a Hakinakina o Praedeus. Nau mai hoki mai - nga mihi o te tau hou. See the registration link below to participate in netball with Praedeus Sports.
Open College Muster Weds 14 Feb at 6pm at Netball Waitakere see details below.
The winter comp will begin early in 2024 with the first grading day for OC, Seniors and Mens netball being Saturday 16 March and Club Premier Netball on Weds 13 March.
Intermediate Netball will commence first grading day will be Saturday 4 May.
Future Ferns Year 5 and Year will commence grading on Monday 6 May.
Future Ferns Year 1 to Year 4 will commence thier first week on Thursday 6 June.
Kia ora e te whanau a Hakinakina o Praedeus:
Intermediate age group - Year 7 and 8 muster:
Te Ra: Weds 14 March 2024
Wahi: Netball Waitakere
Wa Timata: 6.00pm
Papa Takaro: 21:
Nau mai haere mai
Te Ra: Weds 14 Feb 2024
Wahi: Netball Waitakere
Wa Timata: 6.00pm
Papa Takaro: 21
Nau mai haere mai
If you are looking for a club to coach or perhaps manage contact Praedeus President - details are on this page,
or would be interested in being an umpire for 2024 click here to register
We are always open to having new players to the club if you are interested in being a player or you have a daughter who may want to play register your interest here.
FYI: Boys can play netball in a team until they are 12 years of age - from year 1 to year 8.
Netball Waitakere are hot about GOOD SPORTS which aims to create postivie sporting experiences for Kiwi Kids by suporting and educating the key adult influences in childrens sport - adults who are parents, coaches, teachers and sport leaders.
Good Sports advocates for adult behaviours and attitudes in childrens sport to alwasy fall under a Climate of Development ensuring our children have the best chance of having positive sporting experiences and ultimately growing a lifelong love with sports.
Click Here
However there will be an emphasis on a persons conduct and or behaviour - Netball Waitakere have a zero tolerance policy and PNS has a Code of Conduct Policy - which is available to read on both websites.
Netball Waitakere
Praedeus Netball Sports
A tikanga of Praedeus is Enjoying - PAREKAREKA - our whanau will not enjoy netball if they are not having a positive experience.
We are always looking for umpires - have you ever had those thoughts about an umpire? i.e.
you could probably have umpired that game better, well why not put those thoughts into reality. Go to the
Netball NZ Website. Alternatively - go to the
Netball Waitakere website and click on the
Umpire tab to read the information about umpiring. Rules of netball are available on both sites. You can also purchase the rules book from Netball Waitakere.
If you are interested in the umpiring aspect of the game of netball send an email to the Praedeus President.
Praedeus Netball Sports has the priviledge of being involved in this kaupapa - a te reo tournament held at Netball Waitakere using the medium of Netball to korereo Maori, all day on the court off the court, in the administration of netball.
The kaupapa is the concept of Te Puni Kokiri bought to light by one of our whanau Matua Eruera Morgan and has been a partnership with Netball Waitakere since it first began in 2018. Due to COVID-19 there was no tournament in 2020. PNS has been involved and has supported this Kaupapa from conception to realisation in 2018.
Ko matou ano - whanau o Praedeus will be participating and supporting the Kaupapa of Puni Reo 24 May 2024.