Welcome to the 2025 Netball Season with ST FRANCIS OF ASSISI NETBALL CLUB!

Registrations for the 2025 season will OPEN FEB 20TH 2025.

In 2025, FUTURE FERNS (Years 3 to 8) will have updated infomation here soon. 

Please check your year/team to see your playing day/coach/venue/training day. Also check your team info on the website for non playing days. These will vary depending on your playing day.


-Future Ferns teams (year 3-6).  Further information can be found on your year/team page soon.

-Senior Year 7 & Year 8.   Further information can be found on your year/team page soon.

Uniforms: Will be handed out by your coach prior to the first game. 

Draw: The draw for each week will be posted on the club Facebook page or can be found on the Christhurch Netball Centre website.

Game Cancellations: we do not anticipate any cancellations for our indoor venues, however our teams playing outdoors will be notified by the Christchurch Netball Centre cancellation page and facebook page, the radio station 92 More FM, the SportyApp or you can call CNC cancellation line on 3794486 option 4 if you are unsure.

Prizegving: End of year prizeiving will be held at St Francis Of Assisi School hall on Sunday 31 August at 2.00pm.

Sponsors: Thanks to Westende Jewellers who was our new major sponsor in 2024. Visit them at www.westendejewellers.co.nz

2025 Hoodies: Thanks to our sponsor Westende Jewellers, all our new players receive a free named club hoodie. Existing players can also purchase a new hoodie if they wish which is only $25. 

Special thanks to Cocopellis for our Player of The Day vouchers and certificates and to Westende Jewellers for our Player of The Day trophies.

2024 Subs:  will be updated soon.

Future Ferns (Year 3-6)         $125

Seniors (Year 7-8)                  $170

Sub Payments:

These are due by 1st May and need to be paid prior to the season starting.

Account 06-0817-0425345-00

Please put your child's name and year in the reference fields.

As we are a small club our subs just cover our affiliation fees and resources. We fundraise each year to help cover costs. "We would love for you to play, we need you to pay.."

Payment Plans are available - if you need to set up an automatic payment to cover subs over the season, please email us at sfoanetballclub@gmail.com to arrange. 

Financial Hardship:

If you are in financial hardship - please let us know, so we can see how we may be able to assist you with subs for the season.

Please make sure you check the club website and follow our Facebook page to keep up to date with information during the season.

Please direct any queries to: sfoanetballclub@gmail.com