chartIT APP

A new season getting underway provides a timely opportunity to get charting with chartIT!
chartIT is a software package designed by former White Sox Melanie Gettins that allows users to chart softball games and bullpen practices along with generating compelling reporting.
Historically this process was done with pen & paper and took a ton of time which naturally created a barrier.  
chartIT app is fun and intuitive and the reporting is powerful!

chartIT app is available to download from both Apple and Android stores and will work on an iPad or tablet.  The app allows users to chart softball games recording each pitch type, location in zone, outcome of pitch, spray chart and runner movement.  The app will track the progress of the game including pitch counts and score.  
There is also a bullpen module available within chartIT app that provides 7 different pitching practice ideas that are completely customisable and useable for all levels of pitchers.  Up to three pitchers can be recorded at once - allowing optimal use of resources at a practice.  Convenient real time results tables assist pitchers to ensure they stay on target.  Utilising the bullpen module creates opportunity for inspiration for pitching work outs, accountability on the quality of the practice & tracking of progress and results.  Pitching practices no longer can be described simply as good or bad, instead, factual percentages of how many strikes vs ball or how many times the spot was hit vs missed can be supplied creating greater accountability.

The reporting portal is where the fun happens for slicing and dicing the games you have charted.  With easy to use filters ranging from pitcher, batter, pitch type, inning, count, outcome, hit type along with many more – a ton of scenarios can be drilled into and explored.  
Examples such as, show all:
•    First pitches “Joe Bloggs” throws
•    Pitches “Joe Bloggs” throws on a 2/0 and 3/1 count
•    Pitches “Joe Bloggs” gives up hits on
•    Pitches “Joe Bloggs”  gives up RBIs on
•    The times that “Joe Bloggs” threw his change up
•    All pitches against left-handed batters only
From a hitters perspective
•    What does “Jane Doe” do on the first pitch?
•    What pitch types does “Jane Doe” record hits on?
•    What area of the diamond does “Jane Doe” hit to against left-handed pitchers? Or against specifically “Joe Bloggs”
•    Show all change ups “Jane Doe” has faced? Or rise balls? Or drop balls? Or curve?
•    Is she an aggressive hitter? Investigate counts she’s attacking pitches on
•    Does she chase outside the zone – look at all pitches she’s swinging at, fouling off or hitting
•    Show all pitches “Jane Doe” swings and misses at?
Options are endless!

chartIT app can assist users to finding a competitive advantage against future opponents or to discover more about your tendencies as a player and provide opportunities to improve your own game!

To learn more, Mel is running a few no obligation online zoom meetings to showcase chartIT app.  Feel free to attend to learn about chartIT or even to simply be nosy and have a bit of a look – all are welcome!  Discount codes will be available for all attendees.  
Link to register for Zoom: Zoom Registration Form Link

Other links that may be of interest:
FAQs: FAQ's – chartIT App
Facebook: Chartit app | App Page | Facebook






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