ACYDC: Auckland Climbing Youth Development Club

Our club began as a result of three kids wanting to go to the first ever climbing competition at the Aims game. One of the instructors at the gym volunteered to help the kids prepare, so each week they met and trained together.

After an amazing tournament we got together and decided to make a club focussed on developing youth in the sport. 

Emma that first instructor became our headcoach, she convinced her partner to come along and our club began to grow, from 3 kids, to 8, then 20, and now 32. 

Who We Are:

Like all clubs we had adults forming a committee making decisions and driving the club down a path we thought our youth wanted with a focus on the culture and values within the group. 

As a club we had a moment that changed us forever. 

We sat down with our youth, we asked them what the club means for them, what they want from it, and where did they want it to go.... The response was overwhelming... Our kids talked about how much the club meant to them, how many had struggles in the school environment and felt isolated and alone, that the club had become a safe place where they could be themselves, it became a place they looked forward to, and as a result they had gained a sense of self, a sense of worth and supported.

They wanted to take this amazing environment, and bring it to our wider community, they wanted to make decisions, they wanted a say in what and where the club is headed.

So there and then we went on a journey with our Youth.

  • Kids became committee members (six of our 9 strong committee are under 17 year olds)
  • Kids took charge of fundraising
  • Kids are learning to be instructors and coaches

Our kids took the club by the scuff of the neck and have created a place for youth by youth, they have created a new identity, and called themselves "The Pack".

They demanded as a club we put out the "Welcome Mat." That we make ourselves and the sport more accesisble, more inclusive, we were to give other kids the opportunity to find themselves as they did as such those youth created:

  • A Schools Program working with 6 local schools a year and their kids who need support
  • A Disbaility Initative working with Parafed running 10 sessions a year where our clubs kids work along side kids with a range of disabilties and achieve what many would consider impossible.
  • The creation of the first Rainbow Youth Initaitve in Auckland.

What we Stand For:

As a club "development" is a key concept for us, not only are we about developing the climbing skills of the kids who find a passion for the sport, but we are also about developing new leaders, developing a sense of self worth,  a sense of self confidence, the capability to be resilent in our youth.

Our kids have created a "community" a place where they are there for each other, support each other, where we celebrate each others wins, and are there for each other when we fall. 

As a club we believe nothing is impossible, no idea to difficult, we just ignore what people tell us we can't do, and just make it happen.  'The Pack' and its families constantly step up, no matter the idea, together we pull up our sleeves and get to work  till we make a difference.

Simply put We stand for each other

Regardless of the situation, No Matter how difficult the Obstacle, I will Never Quit, I will Never back Down, For I am Never alone