Ahipara Gamefish Club Fishing Rules

Last updated 19 August 2024

This version is current from 1 July 2024.

Fishing Season 

1 July to 30 June

Fishing Area

New Zealand 200 mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)

Fishing Rules

All fish landed must comply with New Zealand fishing laws. All fishing must be carried out in accordance with NZSFC Angling Rules, incorporating the IGFA Equipment and Angling Regulations, unless the angler cannot reasonably comply due to a disability. The Committee reserves the right to make a decision on the eligibility of any angler’s fish where the fish has not been caught in accordance with these rules.

Qualifying Anglers

For any fish to count for the club, the angler must be a current financial member of Ahipara Gamefish Club (AGC) prior to the fish being caught.

Qualifying Fish and Minimum Weights

The following fish are currently the only fish that qualify for club trophies, records, prizes or certificates (club awards). Minimum weights apply to some fish. The club encourages the tag and release of all fish under the minimum qualifying weights. The club will process all world or NZ record claims irrespective of these rules. Weighing of all fish is at the weighmaster’s discretion.

Qualifying fish and minimum qualifying weight for landed fish (if applicable) are as follows:

  • Broadbill Swordfish 90kg minimum
  • Black Marlin 90kg minimum
  • Blue Marlin 90kg minimum
  • Striped Marlin 90kg minimum
  • Shortbill Spearfish
  • Pacific Bluefin Tuna
  • Southern Bluefin Tuna
  • Bigeye Tuna
  • Yellowfin Tuna
  • Skipjack Tuna
  • Albacore Tuna
  • Mahimahi
  • Kingfish
  • Wreckfish (Hapuka & Bass)
  • Snapper
  • Kahawai
  • Trevally

Sharks and Other Fish

The club does not recognise sharks for any club awards. The club will process all world or NZ record claims irrespective of these rules. Other scale fish are recognised for Juniors. Records for other fish may be kept at the discretion of the Committee.

Certified Scales & Courtesy Weighs

All landed fish must be weighed on a certified scale to qualify for club awards. Courtesy weighs from other clubs are acceptable, unless tournament rules state otherwise.

Catch Cards

Catches must be reported to the Club Recorder as soon as reasonably practicable after the capture. Weigh sheets and tag cards must reach the Club Recorder before the end of the fishing season to qualify for any club award for that season. Digital copies are accepted. 

Mutilated Fish

If a fish has any new wounds other than clean gaffing or bleeding wounds, such as fresh propeller wounds or shark bites, this will disqualify the fish. Bleeding of fish to improve eating quality is encouraged and bled fish are eligible for club awards.

Other Clubs’ Tournaments & Nationals Fish

If an AGC member weighs or tags a fish during a contest run by another club, that fish may be counted for AGC awards as well. However if an AGC member is fishing for another club’s team during the NZSFC Nationals, then any fish tagged or weighed by that member will not count for Ahipara Gamefish Club.

Trophies and Prizes


  • Seniors are club members aged 16 or over at the beginning of the fishing season (1 July).
  • Juniors are club members under 16 years of age at the beginning of the club season (1 July)
  • Small Fry Juniors are club members under 11 years of age at the beginning of the club season (1 July).

The trophies available to be won each season are currently as follows:

Open Trophies 

  • First Billfish of the Season - Fingers First Memorial Trophy (Donated by Stewart Family)
  • Most Tagged & Released Marlin Trophy (Donated by Kev Griffiths)
  • Angler Most Points Trophy (Donated by Lynda & Robbie Matthews)
  • Heaviest Gamefish of the Season Trophy (Donated by Dave Stewart)
  • Heaviest Striped Marlin Trophy (Donated by Wildcat Charters)
  • Heaviest Black Marlin Trophy (Donated by Switzer Builders)
  • Heaviest Blue Marlin Trophy (Donated by Emma & Leon Matthews)
  • Heaviest Broadbill Trophy (Donated by Trevor Irving)
  • Heaviest Tuna Trophy (Donated by Karen & Allan Robinson)
  • Heaviest Kingfish Trophy (Donated by Kerry Rolleston)
  • Most Meritorious Catch Trophy (Donated by John & Rachel Stewart)
  • 20 Pound Snapper Trophy (Donated by Wildcat Charters & Karizma Charters)
  • February Trophy (Donated by Phil & Diane Laurensen)
  • Skipper Most Points Trophy (Donated by Kerrod Neho)

Junior Trophies

  • Junior Heaviest Gamefish Trophy (Donated by Dave & Mandy Morrogh)
  • Junior Most Tag & Release Marlin Trophy (Donated by Colin Seddon)
  • Junior Heaviest Kingfish Trophy (Donated by Nicky Sinden)
  • Junior Heaviest Hapuka Trophy (Donated by Yvette & Leo Lloyd)
  • Junior Heaviest Snapper Trophy (Donated by Lynda & Robbie Matthews)
  • Small Fry Heaviest Snapper Trophy (Donated by Linda & Darryl Bradly)
  • Junior Heaviest Kahawai (Donated by Billie-Jade & James Tattersall)
  • Junior Heaviest Other Scale Fish Trophy (Donated by Nicky Sinden)

Tournament Trophies

  • RADZ Trophy
  • Best of the West Trophy
  • Gallagher Insurance Kingfish Classic Trophy

Other Prizes (seniors only):

  • Average Weight Striped Marlin - $300 Sponsored by Switzer Farms 
  • Heaviest Gamefish of the Season - $500 Sponsored Kaitaia Auto Parts

Points Systems For Trophies

Angler Most Points

Trophy is awarded to the angler who accumulates the most points throughout the season. IGFA and club fishing rules apply. 

Points are accumulated on the following basis:

  • Tagged Billfish (Blue, Black & Striped Marlin, Broadbill Swordfish): 300 points
  • Tagged Shortbill Spearfish and Tuna (Yellowfin, Bigeye, Bluefin only): 75 points
  • Weighed Billfish (Blue, Black & Striped Marlin, Broadbill Swordfish, Shortbill Spearfish), Tuna (Yellowfin, Bigeye, Bluefin only) and Kingfish: Weight of fish x100 divided by line weight

Skipper Most Points

Trophy is awarded to the skipper who accumulates the most points throughout the season. The angler does not need to be a member of any club. IGFA and club fishing rules apply. 

Points are accumulated on the following basis:

  • Tagged Billfish (Blue, Black & Striped Marlin, Broadbill Swordfish): 100 points
  • Tagged Shortbill Spearfish and Tuna (Yellowfin, Bigeye, Bluefin only): 25 points
  • Weighed Billfish (Blue, Black & Striped Marlin, Broadbill Swordfish, Shortbill Spearfish), Tuna (Yellowfin, Bigeye, Bluefin only) and Kingfish: 1 point per kg

February Trophy

Trophy is awarded to the angler who accumulates the most points during the month of February. Anglers collect points by catching up to five species of fish. Only the highest scoring fish per species is counted towards the angler’s total points. There are no line weight or tackle restrictions.

Points are accumulated on the following basis:

  • Marlin: 1 point per kg or 100 points for a tag & release
  • Tuna: 4 points per kg
  • Kingfish: 6 points per kg
  • Hapuka/Bass: 7 points per kg 
  • Snapper: 15 points per kg

Criteria for Other Club Trophies and Competitions

Most Meritorious Trophy

Trophy is awarded to the angler of the most meritorious catch of the season, decided by the Committee.

Gallagher Insurance Kingfish Classic

Tournament runs throughout the month of November. IGFA and club fishing rules apply. No line weight restrictions. Braid may be used. Only Senior financial club members may enter. An entry fee is payable, which goes into the prize pool. Trophy is awarded to the heaviest qualifying kingfish caught during the tournament. Prize money is awarded for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd heaviest kingfish. Other prizes may be awarded at the committee’s discretion.

Prize money divided as follows: 

  • First 10% of the total prize pool goes to the club. Of the remaining prize money:
  • 1st heaviest kingfish: 60% of prize pool
  • 2nd heaviest kingfish: 30% of prize pool
  • 3rd heaviest kingfish: 10% of prize pool

Striped Marlin Jackpot

Tournament runs from 1 January to 30 April. IGFA and club fishing rules apply. Only Senior financial club members may enter. An entry fee is payable, which goes into the prize pool. Prize money is awarded for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd heaviest striped marlin.

Prize money divided as follows:

  • First 10% of the total prize pool goes to the club. Of the remaining prize money:
  • 1st heaviest striped marlin: 60% of prize pool
  • 2nd heaviest striped marlin: 30% of prize pool
  • 3rd heaviest striped marlin: 10% of prize pool


In the case of a tie for any trophy, the angler who catches the tying fish first will be given precedence. Where points are tied for any points trophy, the trophy will be shared.

No Qualifying Fish

In the event that any club trophy may not be awarded due to lack of a qualifying fish as per these rules, the committee has the discretion to consider anglers whose fish do not meet the qualifying criteria.

Club Records

The club will maintain a club record register with line class records for all qualifying fish, in the following classes:

  • Men (16 and over)
  • Women (16 and over)
  • Junior Male (under 16)
  • Junior Female (under 16)

Queries, Disputes and Changes

Any discrepancy or topic not covered in these Rules can be submitted to the Committee for discussion and ruling. Any disputes that arise must be submitted to the committee for discussion and the committee’s decision is final. The committee has the right to amend the above rules, and will notify any changes via the club website.