The Girls Rugby Festival is no longer scheduled to take place.
2019 NZCT Sevens
Section A - Waimea 22, Forward Foundation 14
Section B - Forward Foundation 35, Waimea 0
Tournament Team
Ashlee Forsyth, Anna O'Brien, Stella Richards, Trinity Richardson-Dann (Buller) Sally Clough, Holly Wratt-Groeneweg, Katie Gunn, Keely Hill (Forward Foundation) Jasmine Wood, Tanita Garnett, Kim MacLean (Motueka) Shakoia Tonihi, Aaliyah Talamahina, Brooke Churstain (Southland Girls) Grace Beattie, Emma Black, Danielle Ferguson, Georgie Jessop (St Hildas)Anya Schultz, Jamie Paenga, Jess Harvie, Leah Miles (Waimea)
Mon, 8th July
11.00 Buller 12 Motueka 5
11.00 Waimea 10 Sthld Girls 10
11.00 St Hildas 5 Forward Fdtn 19
12.15 Sthld Girls 5 St Hildas10
12.15 Motueka 0 Forward Fdtn 36
12.15 Buller 0 Waimea 32
1.30 Forward Fdtn 65 Buller 5
1.30 Waimea 20 St Hildas 15
1.30 Motueka 7 Sthld Girls 41
Tues, 9th July
Waimea 24 Motueka 5
St Hildas 48 Buller 0
Forward Fdtn 24 Waimea 0
St Hildas 41 Motueka 5
St Hildas 39 Buller 5
Buller 7 Motueka 5
Final: Forward Foundation 22 Waimea 5