Amberley Netball Club​​​​​​​

2024 season

Welcome to the Amberley Netball Club for 2024

In 2024, Premier grade games will be played on a Thursday night at the Mainpower stadium in Rangioa. Yr 3/4 games will also be at the Mainpower stadium on a Friday night. Saturday games will be divided between the Mainpower stadium and Dudley park - Grade games will be at the Mainpower stadium and FF games will be at Dudley park.

Please follow us on Facebook for regular updates.

Or email us at for any queries, comments and concerns.

Important Dates for 2024
Trials: TBC (End of Feb/Start of March)
Registrations close: End of April 2024.
First games:
Premier - May 2nd
Grade + FF Yr 7/8 + FF Yr 5/6 - May 4th
Yr 3/4 & Yr 1/2 - May 3rd or July 5th (TBC)

Fees for 2024 (per player)

Premier = $270
Grade = $250
Yr 7/8 = $200
Yr 5/6 = $150
Yr 3/4 = $120
Yr1/2 = $90

Please contact us if you have any queries regarding your subs, installments can be negotiated.