Welcome to the official website of the Auckland Powerlifting Association (APA). The APA is affliated to the New Zealand Powerlifting Federation (NZPF) and the International Powerlifting Federation (IPF).
Our goal is to develop and promote high-standard and enjoyable drug-free powerlifting competitions throughout the Auckland Area. Currently, we are the only drug tested powerlifting affiliated club in Auckland recognised by Drug Free NZ, Sport NZ, NZPF and the IPF.
19 March 2024
The Auckland Powerlifting Association (APA) Annual General Meeting was held at Getstrength Gym on 2 March 2024. Our President, Evie Corrigan, kicked it off by presenting several highlights from 2023.
- Several new roles introduced to the APA committee.
- Two new sanctioned competitions added to the calendar - Getstrength Classic and North Shore Barbell Classic.
- Membership increased a whopping 44% compared to last year.
- Two successful 3-lift workshops held at Getstrength Gym, one in conjunction with Auckland University Strength Society.
- Two female strength workshops held at Getstrength Gym and North Shore Barbell Gym, generously funded by Manatū Wāhine Ministry for Women.
- A more streamlined online approach introduced for provincial referee theory testing.
- APA sent a number of athletes to represent NZPF at five international competitions: IPF Bench Worlds, IPF Open Worlds, IPF Asian, Pacific, and African Champs, IPF Masters Worlds, and the Sheffield Invitational.
These tremendous achievements signal ongoing growth and development in APA. With this growth comes increased demand for powerlifting events and activities. We strove to meet the demand by adding two sanctioned competitions and new workshops to the calendar.
These events wouldn't happen without the initiative and hard work of our committee members and numerous volunteers, and for that we are truly grateful. We want to take this opportunity to extend our thanks to everyone who helped out in 2023 - your contributions don't go unnoticed.
While 2023 was an awesome year, we look forward to an even better 2024. We are working behind the scenes to improve the sustainability and organisational capability of the APA committee so that we continue providing the top-notch events and activities our members want and deserve. With that being said, we extend a warm welcome to the 2024 committee.
President: Evie Corrigan
Vice-Presidents: Paul Clarke and John Strachan
Secretary: Katie Ramsay
Treasurer: Seb McLarin
NEC delegate: Kedric Kwan
APA Records Keeper: Jason Clarke
Social Media Manager: Dana Ye-Lee
AUSS Representative: Brendan Yip
Sport Development Officer: Marius Tonu’u
Special Olympics Liaison: Steve Wilson
Technical Managers: Thomas Delamore and Dana Ye-Lee
Referee Coordinator: Ian Chock
Merchandise Manager: Vi Chu
Committee members: Jo Tarlton, Wave Teale-Russ, Sifra Aprily, Eloise Thynne, Sean King.