New Zealand Powerlifting Conference
This event took place June 1st 2024. For those who weren't able to attend in person, we are pleased to offer ongoing access to recordings of each presentation. These are excellent resources for developing your knowledge as a coach or athlete.
The presentations include:
A systematic approach to individualisation by Dr Eric Helms, PhD, CSCS, Accred.SpNut(O)
This presentation will teach you how to incorporate autoregulation at all levels of a program, from exercise-to-exercise, to session-to-session, and from block-to-block, to make programs inherently more individualized.
Misconceptions and realities of mobility and range of motion in powerlifting by Alyssa-Joy Spence, PhD, ISAK Level 2
Alyssa discusses how to approach stretching/mobility with athletes of different flexibility levels. This will include the common perceptions/misconceptions and programming recommendations.
A milestone-based approach for powerlifters returning from injury by Jason Tremblay BHPE, PFT, President & Co-Founder of The Strength Guys Inc.
This presentation will discuss reducing injury risk and managing injuries when they happen using a practical, milestone based framework to help guide the return to training.
Nutrition concepts for the powerlifter by Andrew King, PhD(c), powerlifter, and coach with Reformance Training
This presentation will discuss how powerlifters typically approach their nutrition and how these practices align with current sport nutrition recommendations. Longer-term (e.g. year round and within competitive phases) and short-term (e.g. hard vs easy training days, pre- and post-exercise nutrition, supplementation) nutrition will be explored.
Biomechanically informed exercise selection in powerlifting by Christian Amdi, PhD(c), MSc in Strength & Conditioning, coach, and physiotherapist
This presentation will discuss the basic biomechanics of the squat, bench press and deadlift, how this relates to practice and how targeted exercise selection might enhance powerliftings gains by targeting biomechanical limiters of performance.
Going with the flow? Rehydration strategies post weigh-in for the powerlifter by Kedric Kwan, PhD(c), co-founder and head nutritionist for Reformance Training
This presentation aims to help coaches and lifters get their feet wet on the importance of rehydration post weigh-in. It will cover timing, amount, and the different types of fluid that would cater to the demands of a lifter undergoing rapid weight cutting.
Elite Powerlifting Performance Panel with Evie Corrigan, Kedric Kwan, Jason Tremblay convened by Eric Helms
This panel received questions from online and in-person participants.
Access to the recordings is $70NZD and is kindly hosted by our friends at The Strength Guys