I agree to abide by the Cambridge Athletic and Harrier Club NZ rules and regulations and Code of Conduct.
- I accept that I am required to help on club nights to measure events, help at the finish line, and set up and pack up equipment. Should there be insufficient helpers for any age group then those children will not participate.
- I will not leave a child 14 yrs and under in the care of the club. I accept that the club has no responsibility for the safety of my child while at athletics.
- I accept that if my child is participating at events outside club nights (i.e.: ribbon days, relay champs etc.), that I am required to help run events Cambridge has been asked to administer.
- I agree the club uniform is required to be worn correctly at all times, giving the athlete a sense of belonging to the club and recognising who is registered. Age flashes must be sewn on.
Note: Athletes will not be allowed to compete in competition events if not wearing the correct uniform, so we require the same standard at club nights.