Kia ora everyone, Hope you are keeping well as we count down towards the end of Term 2. It certainly feels like the weeks are flying by, but it’s always nice to have some time for a bit of rest and reflection over the school holidays. Due to popular demand, I have been asked to run another New Career Advisor Workshop at the beginning of November in Wellington for those who have missed the previous workshops and have been recently appointed to the role. Anyone is welcome to these workshops and I know a number of members have used this workshop as a “refresh”. Remember that the early bird registrations for the CATE conference in November close at the end of June. Click below to find details about the programme and keynote speakers. This week we profile Sir Ashley Bloomfield who will be a closing speaker. Check out Wednesday's Seven Sharp episode where Heather Lowery-Kappes is speaking with Ben Hurley about students making career decisions when they leave school and when is the right age! Watch Seven Sharp S2023E99 | TVNZ+ ( Starts at 17.35 minutes) When making decisions we encourage students to think about the future prospects for different carrer choices. We want them to consider a number of factors. Gallup in partnership with Amazon Future Engineer, Amazon’s philanthropic computer science education programme, have created a tool—CFI interactive. This tool was designed to paint a picture of how a given role ranks in the following categories: 1) pay, including whether it offers enough to sustain a family, defined as $69,740 in annual income; 2) job growth; 3) openings per job seeker; 4) how resistant a career is to being taken over by automation, including artificial intelligence; and 5) what level of education is typical for those employed in the field. After assessing all those elements, the role is assigned a CFI score—the higher the number, the more economically viable a job is. We have to recognise this tool is not NZ based but could be the basis of good class discussions. What do you think?  |
We are thrilled to announce that Sir Ashley Bloomfield, the highly esteemed former Chief Executive of the Ministry of Health and Director-General of Health in New Zealand, will be our closing keynote speaker at the CATE Conference 2023. Sir Ashley Bloomfield, who was recently bestowed with a knighthood in the King's Birthday Honours, captured the hearts of the nation with his composed demeanour and steadfast leadership throughout the COVID-19 crisis. Through his expertise and media presence, he effectively communicated vital health information to the public on behalf of the government, calming fears and instilling confidence. Sir Ashley will be sharing his post-COVID insights, discussing topics such as developing mental well-being and moving forward in a post-pandemic world. He has a connection to Whangarei having begun his medical career as a house surgeon here and has recently taken up a position as a Professor at the University of Auckland. Don't miss out on this remarkable opportunity to gain relevant knowledge, inspiration, and current perspectives from Sir Ashley Bloomfield. The programme is coming together, checkout other timings and other keynote speakers CATE 2023 Programme Please note there are only 2 weeks left to secure your Early Bird Registration please register here—CATE Delegate Registration  |
Here is the recording for the Air New Zealand session we held last week. You are welcome to post this on school websites and social media. Pop these dates for the Pilot Career Evenings into the school diary, more details to follow closer to the time. AUCKLAND—16 August 2023 4.30-7.30pm Air New Zealand Academy of Learning 7 Rennie Drive, Mangere CHRISTCHURCH—24 August 2023 4.00-8.30pm International Aviation Academy of New Zealand (IAANZ) 25 Aviation Drive, Harewood This term we are going to focus on “good practice" models and ask members to contribute what has worked well for them either at their school or within their region. First up is Jo Shaw from Timaru Girls High School, South Canterbury talking about the speed networking event aimed at exposing the students to a wide range of local industries, exciting them about their own future pathways, and helping empower them to make informed and meaningful decisions. This was a joint initiative between South Canterbury CATE and our local Education to Employment Broker who works for Venture Timaru (Economic Development Agency). It is an annual event and this year was the fifth time it has run. Register here  |
GAP Year Webinar Monday 26th June at 7pm for Career Advisors, Parents and Students Join us to hear from Sharyn Hight—NZ Manager for JENZA about the benefits of taking a gap year or a working holiday overseas, and how JENZA can help young people get there. JENZA is a new brand launched in NZ and AUS, with their parent company being BUNAC, specialists in Working Holidays for 60 years. Parents, Students and Careers Advisors all welcome to attend. Register here With JENZA young people never have to choose between getting a job and going travelling. Because with JENZA, they can do both. Whether they want to make a difference working at camp, grow their skills with a paid internship or fund their adventures with a working holiday or ski season—JENZA does all the work. This includes setting up the visa assistance, pre-arranged job and arrival support they will need to earn as they explore Canada, Japan, the USA and UK. For more information— Jenza Website Digital resources Information for parents | BUNAC  |
Kaiārahi Workshop 2023 “Joining the DOTS” I am slowly getting through the country! Would love to see you in your region. This years workshop showcases resources and lesson plans that equip rangatahi to transition into future pathways. Programme includes— - An update to members on the initiatives from MOE and TEC such as Career Systems Strategy, Tahatū, Career Education and Guidance Guidelines and NCEA Pathways.
- Looking at progressive Career Education programmes through the year groups
- Happenstance and Hope theory activities to support senior students navigate the changing world we live in and the impact of unplanned events such as COVID and the weather events that have caused devastation in our community. (Gateway and Careers classes)
- Labour market project-based learning unit (Gateway and Careers classes)
- Joining the “DOTS” for juniors in career education
- Pathway Mapping Tool and case studies where schools are connecting with industry from throughout the country. NELP 4 “Future of Learning and Work”.
Please register below— Southland Tuesday 18th July, 9am-3pm Frontline, 416 Dee Street Central Otago Wednesday 19th July, 9am-1pm MOE Room, Cromwell College Otago Thursday 27th July, 9am-3pm Business South Training Room, Level 3, Public Trust Building, 442 Moray Place Auckland North Wednesday 9th August, 9am-3pm AUT, North Shore—Room AG127 Auckland South Thursday 10th August, 9am-3pm MIT Otara Campus - Tanoa Room South Canterbury Tuesday 29th August, 9am-3pm Ara Te Pūkenga—Timaru Canterbury/Westland Wednesday 30th August, 9am-3pm MOE Seminar Room Northland Monday 4th September, 9am-3pm NorthTEC TBC Nelson Friday 9th September, 9.30am-3pm NMIT  |
New Careers Advisor Induction Two Day Workshop Term 4—8th and 9th November 2023—Wellington This workshop has been designed to up-skill Career Advisors that are newly appointed to the role and still working out what the role involves. The workshop will run over two days in Wellington from 9.00 am – 2.30 pm. Content will include an overview of Career Education in New Zealand, developing a career education plan looking at available resources for junior and senior programmes, ideas for initiating career conversations, supporting senior students in making career decisions, and systems to manage information. This workshop is free to CATE members, morning tea and lunch will be provided. Register here  |
CareerEQ assessment licensing training dates for term three Help students get to understand their “WHY”. CareerSmart is an online career-and-self-assessment designed to prepare students to have meaningful career conversations with their careers educator or practitioner. The number of schools and career practitioners using CareerSmart is growing and feedback from them is that their career conversations are richer and their students are clearer about what they want for their future. Check out more information about CareerSmart here. When you are a Licensed CareerSmart practitioner or careers educator you will have: - Your own private on-line portal from which to manage student assessments autonomously
- Your school or practice logo on every report
- Instant access to more reports when you run out
- A ‘Forever’ licence to administer the assessment (conditions apply)
- Training and development opportunities and support.
Third Term training dates are: Tuesday 25th July and Wednesday 2nd August 8.30–10.00 am Wednesday 23rd and 30th August 3.30–5.00 pm PLEASE REGISTER HERE or for more information please contact: CareerEQ Practice Manager: practice.manager@careereq.nz Ph: 0225611311 Kaye Avery: kaye.avery@careereq.nz  |