Christchurch Netball Centre | Coaching Resources

​​​​​​​"It takes 20 years to become an overnight success. Successful coaches have by a combination of experience, skill, education and practice, developed ways and means of getting the best out of themselves and their athletes".

  • Plan
  • Develop communication skills and never stop trying to improve on them
  • Be open-minded. Never say, never
  • Learn from your mistakes
  • Believe in your athletes - they believe in you
  • Develop a network and support structure
  • Have fun. Life is short
  • Give an ounce of information and a ton of practice
  • Be flexible in your methods and approach
  • Try not to over-coach. You don't need to talk all the time

Check out this
Need help with selecting teams at the beginning of the year?

Team Selection

Selection Process presentation

Periodisation plan for the Netball training year

Netball Smart

Balance and Stability

Check out this presentation on the importance of  Balance and Stability in Sport

Websites of interest

Team Building Activities

Below is a list of team building activity websites to visit and get some fantastic ideas to use on your team

Coaching Templates

For more information

Please contact Julia van Dyk, CNC Netball Development Lead by e-mail 


Useful Links

Coach Facebook Page

National HP Pathway

Ten Years On - Where's Coaching At (Professor Lyn Kidman)

Reverse coaching: Under-coaching, over-coaching, and how to tell the difference (Part one – Over-coaching) By Wayne Goldsmith

A must read for coaches: this article is around new and different coaching approaches and models click on link to download Coaching Models

​​​​​​​How to motivate young people

Coaching children

Coaching juniors modified sport

Demonstrating a skill

Organising groups