Dannevirke Sports Club Incorporated

Senior Cricket:

Welcome to the Cricket web page. Basic information about who and what we are, and our plans the coming “Summer of Cricket”, are written below. We are part of the Manawatu Cricket Association area for cricket.

DSC senior cricket has four teams:

Men’s Premier 1     - Coach: Bruce HooperSmith, Captain Andrew Galloway.

Women’s Premier 1 – Coach: Gordon Kuggeleijn/Karen Gunn. Captain, Demelza Kendall. Manager, Sandra Eggleton.

Men’s Premier 3 – Black    Contact Paul Chapman.

Men’s Premier 3 – Yellow   Contact Gordon Kuggeleijn.

New cricketers as most welcome so if you are thinking about playing cricket, get in contact with the club. Practice nights start on Wednesdays – 5.30 pm at the Dannevirke Domain.

We also foster Junior Cricket from years 1 -8. For both girls and boys. This group has their club night down at the Dannevirke Domain, on Thursday nights, from 5.15 pm till dark. This is only during the 4th& 1st school terms. From this group we field three teams for Saturday morning cricket against Palmerston teams on a home and away basis. On some Sundays we field a developmental, “Tararua Under 12” team against 3 other Palmerston teams as a series of games to further develop our cricketers. These cricketers are drawn from the Tararua district.

DSC junior cricket teams are:

Year 7-8        Hard ball       Saturday mornings.

Year 5=6-7   Hard Ball       Saturday  mornings.

Year 4-5-6-7   Incrediball  Saturday mornings.(

And when volunteers are able to assist, we send teams to “Riverbend Cricket Camp” during January each year in Napier.

For those cricketers in Tararua wishing to develop their cricket from secondary school level, they can play for the DSC. We comply with various schools’ policies to provide the highest level of cricket the cricketer wishes to play. Last season we provided cricket for 15 secondary school cricketers in our senior teams.

Our “Dannevirke Domain” provides some of the best facilities for cricket that you could find. Three artificial practice nets, one artificial playing pitch and one grass pitch, which the club maintains in conjunction with the Tararua District Council. We have the use of the Grandstand and its facilities over the summer. At the Dannevirke High School we have available for use two artificial practice nets, an artificial pitch and changing room facilities. We are able to use these facilities when combining with the secondary school cricketers in our Saturday teams.

Our plan is to, “foster cricket in Tararua”. We now provide a pathway from juniors starting right up to those seeking selection up to Manawatu representative level and beyond. All from our local club. The life blood of this is the many volunteers whom willingly provide assistance, from bring their cricketers along, up to taking a team, attending committee meetings, umpiring, scoring or just helping out with encouraging support. Three areas we currently require more help is with umpires, for our Premier 1 teams, help preparing our grass pitch and with taking charge of a junior team. So if there is anyone out there wishing to assist, we welcome you and we can provide all the training and support required to ensure you enjoy the tasks. Umpiring courses and coaching courses are provided from MCA for further developing these skills as required.

Office Contact:  Kahlia- dannevirkesportsclub@gmail.com

Cricket Club Captain: Gordon Kuggeleijn– 0276 240 917.             gordonkuggeleijn@inspire.net.nz