DUE TO WEATHER FORCAST - NOW ON ON Friday 1st November 2019
Buses will be leaving school at 8.40 am
Time: Be at school by 8:30am
(meeting in the hall for roll call before bus)
Bring: Packed lunch, plenty of water, warm clothes and a Fairfield sports top if you have one. (Tops will be issued to those who do not have one today - Tuesday).
Attached is a list of the events, your child will know their age group and the events they have qualified for.
800metres runners - These children will need to be at the grounds by 8:40am - as they race at 9am. So they will need to be dropped off a Memorial Park or at school by 8:15am.
Sunscreen - please apply sunscreen to your child before coming to school - there will be lotion available at the grounds to re-apply.