Feilding Netball Club is the oldest netball club in the Manawatu district, having been around longer than 50 years. It is run by an organising group elected at an AGM, governed by a constitution and is registered as incorporated.
The club represents the Feilding community which is situated only 15 minutes drive from the centre of Palmerston North. It has its own outdoor courts with flood lights based in South Street which is utilised by Feilding Saturday Morning Junior Netball.
Due to its history it has much to boast about.
Whether you aspire to move through the ranks of netball or take part socially the club can cater for you.
Over the past 5 to 10 years the club has consistently been one of the top teams in Premier Grade. Many representative players and New Zealand Talent Squad Members have come from the Feilding Netball Club.
Due to its history the club can call on a variety of skilled and experienced people. For example, the current coaches can ask the likes of Yvette McCausland-Durie, former NZ Under 21 coach and Pulse Coach, to provide advice and even a training session!
The Feilding Netball Club welcomes all new members and endeavours to keep everyone informed (including Old Girls) about events.