The Gardens Netball Club Hoodies & Beanies
We are currently taking orders from players, coaches, managers and supporters for our very warm and cosy hoodies and beanies.
Orders and payments close
- Hoodie only: $TBA
- Hoodie PLUS name (printed on back): $TBA
- Beanie (embroidered): $TBA
A portion of orders helps toward our club fundraising for equipment and prizegiving
How to order:
Email with:
- Name
- Team registered to/associated with
- Hoodies size/s (if ordering)
- Name/s to print on back (if ordering)
- Beanie quantity (if ordering) -size is one size fits all
Orders and payments due
The Gardens Netball
ASB Bank 12 3453 0009175 00
Particulars: Name
Reference: Team Name
*Note that Hoody pricing is based on a minimum quantity and this must be reached for the order go to ahead. Should it not go ahead, payments will be refunded.