Welcome to Gisborne Canoe and Tramping Club.
Join us on a club walk!
Our vision is for more people to enjoy walking, and appreciate our natural environment and wild places.
Come along initially as a visitor. We encourage people to join a few walks before deciding to become a member so that you get to know the group and can decide whether we are doing the kind of thing you enjoy.
Look through the current programme of trips (see the tab "Trip Programmes"), and phone the trip leader by about Wednesday evening prior to a Sunday trip, or the weekend prior to a mid-week trip, to register your interest in a trip you are interested in.
The trips are graded easy, medium, and fitness essential, although we actually don’t do anything hard. And, we rarely do any kayaking/canoeing! In the early days of the club it was a canoeing club and owned a set of fiberglass canoes. There was racing on the Waimata River and interclub competitions on white water. These days, we are a walking group, who occasionally have a kayak paddle using members' own kayaks and life jackets, although some members have several that they can lend to others.
If you would like to join Gisborne Canoe and Tramping Club you become part of the umbrella organisation, Federated Mountain Clubs Click here, who are a strong and effective lobby group for retaining or improving public access to NZ's wild places and protection of National Parks and other protected areas. Through the club you are able to get access to areas of private land, Maori Land, or managed forest, that you possibly otherwise could not, as well as having a pleasant group of people to share transport with and walk with.
Come on some club walks, then send us a membership application form (see the tab "Club Policies & Membership"), if you would like to do more of this kind of thing.
Federated Mountain Clubs newsletters to clubs and members https://www.fmc.org.nz/news/fmc-newsletters/