Marist Player Subs and Club Membership / DONATIONS.


Your Rugby Club Needs YOU.

The World has changed and we are working hard to stay strong.  Now more than ever before we need the support of our Marist Family.

Ensure your Player Subs, Associate Membership is paid, or if you wish to make a donation.

Use the Club Account below, with your name as the reference.


A reminder that your player subscriptions are due now.

You can pay at the club on a Thursday night or on a Saturday.

Your Manager will let you know how much and club bank account details are below if you wish to pay by Direct Credit.

It is VERY important that these are paid, to ensure we can meet the operating costs of the teams and the club.


Club Membership Subs of $40 can be paid via Direct Credit or at the Bar.


Please order at the Bar or following the link to go to Kukri Store

Direct Payment Details:

Marist Account:

Westpac Account:      03-0318-0466687-001

Reference:                    YourName