FROM humble beginnings back in 1987, the Hawke's Bay Equestrian Park located near Hastings has become a popular and frequently used venue for all types of equestrian sport both on a local and national scale.
Originally 100 acres of very rough farmland, it was the foresight of Foundation Member Toby Simmons which enabled a Trust to be formed to negotiate the purchase of the land on extremely advantageous terms from the Hastings District Council
The original plan was to raise the $100,000 needed by attracting an initial 400 Foundation Members each paying $250 for a lifetime of free access. Unfortunately many local riders were intent on keeping what money they had in their own pockets and only a trickle of genuine support materialised. However, enough finance was raised to proceed with the purchase of the park and over the years the Trust has been fortunate enough to benefit from several very generous individuals who have given money on a huge scale. They have provided facilities the park Trustees would otherwise have only been able to dream about. Miss Joan Fernie financed a superb caretakes residence and Mrs Judy Symes paid for the building of a much needed kitchen an office. A Lottery Board Grant enable power to be brought to the building and now the hardworking voluntary scorers and secretaries are able to enjoy all mod-cons.
Some twenty acres of land in the flight path to Bridge Par Aerodrome has been fenced into grazing paddocks and fees from grazing up to 18 horses for local owners provides a useful annual income. Seven adjunct societies, Dressage, Horse Trials, Polocrosse, Pony Club, Pukahu Sports, show jumping and Western Riding all have their bases at the Park and run frequent training and competition days throughout the year.
The development of the grounds has depended on available funds initially, Polocrossse transformed the large front paddock from a rough and unsafe landscape[e into a flat area suitable for their Nationals to be held on. Pony Club developed their own area incorporating cross-country fences and a bark arena in the paddock which has become home to the local Flaxmere Branch
The Western Riding Group have a large all weather arena enclosed within safe post and rail fencing and the NHB Horse Trials group hold Spring and Autumn Events using what land is available. At the present time, the NHB Dressage Group is helping to finance an extensive upgrade of the show jumping area which should make room for the six or seven arenas they need for competition days. The annual Pukahu Sports is a popular event and this year the Sports Committee donated $1000 towards the arena upgrade. Show Jumping competitions and practice days are held throughout the year and now that Show Hunter is becoming a popular discipline in its own right, these classes are being held and are also well supported.
The Park Trustees decided to close the Foundation Membership at the end of December and as a result a number of new members supported the Trust bringing the total membership to around 120. The money is set aside to cover the annual interest free repayments to the Council and is not available for any development projects. Fundraising is on-going and the Trust is fortunate to have the support of the Eastern and Central Community Trust, The Hillary Commission and The Shooter’s Charitable Trust to help with development plans. At present a yarding project to build up to 100 new stell yards is in progress as is the $10,000 arena upgrade which also involves re-gaining some 3.5 acres of previously unusable land. During February the Pavilion, formerly known as the Polocrosse Shed, will have a new concrete floor and this will be a tremendous improvement on the present dirt surface. Fund for this project have come from the Polocrosse Club ($3000), Eastern and Central Community Trust, (1600), The Hillary Commission ($1150), The Shooter’s Charitable Trust ($1150) with the balance coming from Mrs Syme’s donation
The Equestrian Trust can be justifiably proud of its achievements so ar and the President Robert Lang and the Trustees look forward to continually improving the Park for th benefit of all equestrian sport