Constitution of High School Hockey Club (Incorporated) - to be approved at AGM 17/06/12

  • Name
    The name of the club shall be High School Hockey Club (Incorporated) hereinafter referred to as “the Club”
  • Interpretation
    Any case not provided for in these rules, or any question arising as to their interpretation, shall be decided by the management.
  • Registered Office
    The registered office of the Club shall be at the residence of the Secretary
  • Affiliation
    The Club shall be affiliated to Hockey Manawatu (Inc) and through them the New Zealand Hockey Federation and shall abide by the rules and regulations and pay such subscriptions and fees as are set from time to time by these bodies.
  • Colours
    The colours of the Club shall be blue, red and white.
  • Objectives
    The objectives  for which the Club is established are:
  • To foster and encourage the development of the game of hockey; and
  • To enter into any contract, agreement, leases or arrangements with any company, person, syndicate or corporation that the Club may deem conducive to its objects; and
  • To have representation of the Club on any body or bodies formed for the purposes of promoting and/or controlling hockey or any other sport or activity that the Club may participate in; and
  • To organise and conduct such social and sporting functions that may be required for entertaining Club members and their guests; and
  • To do all such lawful things conducive or incidental to the Clubs objectives.
  • Membership
    The membership shall consist of persons who play, umpire, administer, coach or support in some other way, the game of hockey, including life members, honorary members and all financial members.
  • Intending members shall be admitted to membership upon payment of the prescribed subscription, as set out by the executive committee.
  • Any applicant for membership must supply such information which the executive requires.
  • The executive shall have absolute discretion in adjudicating on any application for membership.
  • The annual general meeting shall have the power to elect Honorary Life Members. Life membership shall be awarded only for long and outstanding service to the Club or game. No subscription will be payable and Life Members hold no specific voting rights unless holding an elected position on the executive committee.
  • Register of Members
  • There shall be at times kept at the office of the Club, in the custody of the Secretary, a register of all Club members and their addresses.
  • Any member may resign their membership by giving the Secretary written notice to that effect and by paying any subscription which may be due by them at the time of their resignation.
  • Financial
  • The financial year of the Club shall close on the last day of December in each year.
  • All monies received by, or on behalf of the Club, shall be paid to the Clubs bank account at a bank to be appointed by the Executive Committee and all accounts shall be paid after previously being passed for payment by the Management.
  • The following members of the Club shall be empowered to sign cheques, or authorise payments or withdrawals of monies: The Treasurer and one of two authorised members of the Executive committee.
  • The Club shall have the power to borrow or raise money from time to time, provided that the power to borrow shall not be exercised except pursuant to a resolution passed by two thirds majority of members present at a general meeting.
  • An Auditor who shall not hold an office in the Club shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting to audit the accounts of the Club and to certify the financial statements. The Auditor shall be eligible for re-election each year
  • Subscriptions
  • The subscriptions of the Club shall be decided by the Management and noted at the Annual General Meeting.
  • Members shall pay such subscriptions as may be decided from time to time by the Management. The subscriptions shall be due on a date set by the Management.
  • The Management shall have the authority to remit the whole or any part of any subscription or to allow time for payment thereof. At it’s discretion, the Management shall have authority to debar members from playing should subscriptions not be paid by the due date.
  • Annual General Meeting and Special Meetings
    At least 14 (Fourteen) days notice shall be given to Management, Life, Honorary and Financial members of the Club and they shall be held at a time and place to be decided by the management.

    Quorum – At all Annual and Special meetings, 10 (Ten) members being personally present shall constitute a quorum. If within 30 minutes of the appointed time of the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall be adjourned for a period of not more the 14 (fourteen) days during which time the Secretary will advise all members of the new date. Any number of members present at the adjourned meeting may transact any business as if they constituted a full quorum.

    Voting – The mode of voting at Annual and Special meetings of the Cub shall be by open voting or by ballot as the Chair of the meeting may direct.

    The agenda of business to be transacted at an Annual General Meeting is:

  • Determine whether a quorum is present.
  • Record any apologies.
  • Approve the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting.
  • Presentation and adoption of the Annual Report and Financial Statements.
  • Approve any Honoraria.
  • Note subscriptions.
  • Election of Officers and Executive Committee.
  • Consider and Notices of Motion.
  • General business.
  • Management
  • The management of the Club shall be vested in the President, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Captain and at least 4 (four) member Executive to be elected at the Annual General Meeting each year. Such management shall manage and control the affairs and finances of the Club and shall have all administrative and other powers necessary for properly carrying out the objects of the Club.
  • Six members of the Management shall constitute a quorum thereof.
  • The Management shall have power to elect such sub-committees as it may deem necessary from time to time to assist in carrying out its duties. Without in any way distracting from its powers, the Management, shall at its first meeting following the AGM establish a sub-committee that shall have as its sole purpose the adjudication of any matters referred to it by Management. The sub-committee shall comprise three members who may, or may not be current members of the Club.
  • The Management shall at its first meeting after the AGM appoint one of the six member Executive as its Chair.
  • The Management shall have the power to fill any vacancy that may occur in its body or among the officers of the Club or in any sub-committee. Such appointments shall hold good until the next AGM.
  • Any member of the Executive absenting himself or herself from three meetings in any financial year without having furnished a satisfactory explanation shall be deemed to have vacated the office.
  • A meeting of the Management may be called at any time by the Secretary, stating the time and place of such meeting, and business to be dealt with at least five days before the time appointed for such meeting and the Secretary shall call such a meeting in the manner aforesaid within five days of the receipt of a request signed by four members of the Management.
  • Voting shall be by hands and the Chair shall have a casting vote as well as a deliberative vote.
  • Duties of Management
    It shall be the duty of the Management to conduct the affairs of the Club, in accord with the Objects and Rules herein contained.
  • Duties of the Secretary.
  • The Secretary shall attend to and keep a faithful record of the business transacted at all meetings
  • Maintain records of correspondence and documents relating to the Club, other than those which are the responsibility of the Treasurer.
  • Keep a register of members with names and addresses of all members of the Club.
  • Call meetings in accordance with the rules herein.
  • Conduct any duties required by any regulation, or by the Management.
  • Advising the Registrar of Incorporated Societies of any rule changes herein.
  • Duties of the Treasurer.
  • The Treasurer shall collect and account for all subscriptions or other monies due to the Club.
  • Pay all accounts under the authority of the Management.
  • Prepare Accounts and Balance Sheet for the AGM and at any time when requested to do so by the Management.
  • Attend meetings of the Club and the Management, and produce documents and books showing the financial position of the Club when required to do so by the Management, and shall otherwise fulfil the duties pertaining to this office.
  • Forward the annual financial statements for the Club to the Registrar of Incorporated Societies upon their approval by the Annual General Meeting.
  • Absence or Illness of Officers
    Should any officer be ill or absent, or neglect, or refuse to do anything required by the Constitution, the Management shall have power to appoint any of its members to act in their stead, either temporary or for the unexpired term of office.
  • Alteration to the Constitution.
  • These rules shall not be altered except at the Annual General Meeting after notice of motion has been duly given at a Special General Meeting convened for the purpose and in either case only by the votes of not less than three quarters of the members present at such a meeting.
  • Any Notice of Motion to amend repeal or add to these rules shall be in the hands of the Secretary twenty one (21) days before the AGM that has been called.
  • All members shall be advised of such Notice of Motion seven (7) days before such meeting.
  • Pecuniary Gain
    No member of the Club shall receive any pecuniary gain by virtue of the Clubs activities or property. This section shall not apply to salary or honorarium of employees or officers of the Club.
  • Common Seal
    The Seal of the Club shall consist of the words High School Hockey Club (Incorporated) in a circle with the words “Common Seal” in the centre, and it shall be kept in the custody of the Secretary of the Club and it shall be affixed to any document or writing, only by resolution so to be confirmed passed.
  • Winding up of the Club.
  • The Club may be wound up voluntarily if, at a General Meeting of the Members a resolution is passed requiring the Club so to be wound up and that resolution is confirmed at a subsequent General Meeting called for that purpose and held not earlier than thirty days after the date on which the resolution so to be was passed.
  • If after winding up of the Club and after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities there remains any assets whatsoever, the said assets shall not be paid or distributed amongst the members of the Club, but shall be applied to any other charitable purpose as members may determine at any General Meeting.