Each year Iona College recognises and awards students for their achievements in academic studies, sporting and performing arts pursuits. These awards are as follows:
A service award is offered to junior or senior students and emphasises the importance of efforts within Iona College, the community, and related organisations. It is focused on contribution and service above achievement or excellence in a particular discipline. Service awards recognise the importance of civic duty and citizenship. Please read the criteria before applying.
AchievementAn Achievement award is Iona College’s second-highest recognition of achievement through sport or performing arts within the College or the candidate’s discipline/s. It is expected that such an award is gained after the demonstration of both high achievement, a sustained commitment to their discipline/s, and emerging leadership or role modelling. Please read the criteria before applying.
ColoursA Colours award is Iona College’s highest recognition of achievement through sport, performing arts, service or academics within the College or the candidate’s discipline/s. It is expected that such an award is gained as a Senior student after demonstrating excellent achievement, a sustained commitment to their discipline/s, and strong leadership or role modelling. Please read the criteria before applying.
NB: Years 7 and 8 are not yet eligible for Colours; Years 9 and 10 will be considered in exceptional circumstances.