FREE Pre-Loved Shoes...

What started as a cash-strapped tech student training on 30km of mountains in worn canvas flats, has become the official Koha Shoe-Box. This is a selection of donated shoes, most often pre-loved, that are absolutely FREE for beginners to try out, borrow or keep! There is no koha expected, aside from your encouragement to keep training.


If YOU have shoes that are too good to throw away, please consider donating them to us:

  1. Road shoes, trail shoes, bike shoes, sports shoes
  2. Store returns that you can no longer sell as new
  3. Shoes you imported but are the wrong size
  4. Shoes that just don't 'feel right' for your feet
  5. Kids shoes they have outgrown
  6. Shoes you have upgraded from

NOTE: Please check your shoes still have a fair amount of tread, and there are no substantial tears or damage.

DELIVERY or DROPOFF any time to:

Arias Farm

396 Clayton Rd


(ph 021 753 691)

If you are out of Rotorua, post on our Facebook Group Click here  to ask if any members are travelling through your town in the near future (with 1000 followers, there often are!)