Kurangaituku Netball Tournament​​​​​​​

Kurungaituku 2024 Dates

Kurangaituku 1: 30 & 31 August Entries open in May 

Kurangaituku 2: 6 & 7 September  Entries open in May

Kurangaituku 3:14 & 15 September​​ Entries open 1 June

Thank you for hosting yet another amazing tournament, on behalf of our Te Aniwaniwa 🌈 club.

The Kurangaituku Tournament will be held at the Westbrook Netball complex off Malfroy Road at the home of Rotorua Netball. There are 16 courts surrounded by grassed and cobbled areas where one can set up a gazebo, or tent for the day. Parking around the complex can accommodate up to 500 vehicles, including a dedicated section for buses.

Entry is restricted to Club Teams only for the first 2 weekends. School teams are able to enter the Kurangaituku Secondary Schools Tournament on the third weekend: Saturday and Sunday 14th and 15th September 2024.

Trophies are awarded to the winners and runners-up, and badges are given to the winners of each grade. (Trophy holders are requested to return these engraved before 1st August each year.) Banners are awarded to the winners of each section. No banners or trophies will be awarded prior to the prizegiving.​​​​​​​

Marist Gold would like to thank you for the opportunity playing in the A grade. We had a blast even though every game was a lesson. My GD and GK loved the competitiveness and intensity of the games. Cheers 👍, Maria

​​​​​​​Rotorua Netball Pavilion and Car Park are smoke-free areas. 
​​​​​​​We thank you for not smoking at our complex

The Legend of Kurangaituku

Kurangaituku was a famous woman huntress.  She lived in forest regions around Taupō and met her death in the bubbling cauldrons of Whakarewarewa. In her jutting Puhatauroa (the “lofty rock”), Kurangaituku kept many tame animals and beautiful birds as pets. She was gifted with the speed of the swiftest athlete, and her winged arms enabled her to skim across the mountains and valleys of her domain.        

On a hunting expedition one day, Kurangaituku was incensed when Hatupatu, a young Arawa Chief, accidentally impaled her lips with his spear, and she captured and imprisoned him.

When Kurangaituku was a far distance from her cave on a hunting expedition one day, Hatupatu picked up his two-handed sword and killed her tame animals and birds—all except one, a tiny riroriro (grey Warbler), which flew to Kurungaituku and told her of Hatupatu’s escape. With three giant strides, she reached her home, saw the damage Hatupatu had caused, and continued pursuing him towards Rotorua.

By this time Hatupatu had reached Atiamuri and using his powers of enchantment he commanded a rock to open for him and hid himself from Kurungaituku.  After she had passed, he followed her to Rotorua, but she saw him and again chased him.

Hatupatu’s only escape was through the cauldrons of Whakarewarewa, and he took this path.  But Kurangaituku, not knowing that the ground was treacherous, fell through the thin crust and was scalded to death.

Thank you to our supporters

Netball Rotorua couldn't host this amazing tournament without the help from our funders.

Kurangaituku or Kurungaituku?
How should we spell it?

It's a question that's been asked a lot. As it turns out, both spellings are acceptable - some of our trophies are engraved "Kurungaituku" and some are engraved "Kurangaituku". Our biggest trohpy for A Grade is engraved as "Kurangaituku", so we will mostly refer to our tournament as Kurangaituku.​​​​​​​

Results 2023