Lucknow Room 3

Kia Ora Koutou. I am really looking forward to working with you all. We work very hard to make school a fun and motivating place where your child will continue to develop as a learner. Remember children all learn at different rates and it is important to value them as individuals.

These routines help our class/school run smoothly.

*For safety reasons we ask that parents do not drive into the school grounds

.*Please ring the school office if your child is away.

*Reading: Please read with your child each night and sign the front of their Home book. Make sure their book bag, readers and Home book come back to school each day. They will keep their books in their book bags for more than one day so they can keep practising. The children love sharing their Home Book with it's photos and exciting news in it.

*Our library day is Tuesday.

*We have five swims timetabled In Terms 1 & 4. Photos will be added soon.

.*All children need a sandwich and fruit for “read and eat”. We encourage healthy foods such as pita bread, yoghurt, chicken nibbles, sandwiches, raw vegetables, hummus, fruit, crackers, etc… at lunchtime as well. Treat food should be once a week or for a special occasion.

*All children need a green hat that covers their ears in Terms 1 and 4.

*Your junk is our treasure. Children need to create, problem solve, role play and use their wonderful imaginations. We would love your junk please!! We are busy little people. If you have spare fruit on trees, vines etc please send some to school for the children to eat during the day. Once your child is settled feel free to join us in the classroom at the end of the day. If you have any worries, concerns or exciting news to share please pop in and see us. We love visitors!

