C O M M U N I T Y   F U N D R A I S E R

Do you belong to a school, club or organisaton wanting to fundraise for a new uniform, kit or trip to Nationals?  

Are you after an easy, hassle free way to raise funds?

Do you know someone that would love to watch a game of footy?

The Hawke's Bay Rugby Union are excited to help you with your fundraising efforts. This intiatitaive is a way for us to support our community and is available to all sports clubs, schools, charities and individuals all year round. Through the information provided we hope to provide the tools necessary to implement a succesful fundraising campaign. 


How it works

Books of 10 tickets are provided for you to sell with each ticket voucher being valued at $10. The funds from each sold are split 50/50 with the seller and the HBRU each recieving $5 for every sold ticket voucher. .

The more tickets that you sell, the more money that you can make and unlike selling raffles when the purchaser wins by luck they get to come to a Magpies game as general admission (embankment and general ground areas) or can use the ticket voucher as credit to upgrade to a stand ticket. Its a win, win situation. 

How much profit can I make? 

Number of vouchers sold = Profit 

  • 10 Vouchers = $50 
  • 20 Vouchers = $100
  • 50 Vouchers = $250
  • 100 Vouchers = $500
  • 200 Vouchers = $1,000
  • 500 Vouchers  = $2,500
  • 1,000 Vouchers = ​​​​​​​$5,000

Terms and Conditions 

A detailed list of terms and conditions can be found by clicking here 

How To Sell Ticket Vouchers

Ways to sell the Magpies ticket vouchers

  • Make sure you tell the people you are asking why you are fundraising and why it’s a good cause, this will have a higher success rate.
  • Think about approaching friends and family as well as door knocking, sports clubs, mum and dad's work, standing on shopping streets and asking people as they walk past, and lunchrooms of business etc.
  • Remember that everyone may not have the money on them at the time so offer to come back on a certain date so they have time to get the funds for you.  
  • If it’s for your kids we think it’s important to involve them in this process and to motivate them to sell the vouchers themselves using their own ideas for who to approach is also a great learning experience. However, Mum and Dad taking the vouchers to work and selling them to their colleagues is a quick way of selling through the allocated vouchers. 


Have one organiser, use tally sheets one per classroom, group, team. Follow the Steps for Getting Started 

Time Frame 

Make it short and sharp. Give the sellers a date to bring back their money.

Fundraising Incentives 

Motivate your sellers to be first to bring back their money with prizes. For example, the first set number of children will receive a ball and all children who bring the money back in by the end of the second week go into the draw for a prize. If they sell 2 lots of vouchers they have two chances at winning. 

F A Q ' s

What games are the tickets available for?

We have five Bunnings NPC home games at McLean Park to choose from. Buyers have the option to pick any of these games that they wish to attend. 

The five home games avaialble are:

v Southland - 4:35pm, Saturday 17th August

v Northland - 7:05pm, Friday 23rd August 

v Tasman -  7:05pm, Saturday 7th September

v Taranaki - 7:05pm, Friday 20th September

v Auckland ​​​​​​​- 2:05pm, Saturday 28th September

Who can be apart of the fundraiser?

This fundraising opportunity is available to any sports club, school, charity or individual looking to fundraise for an event or cause. 

How do I redeem my Ticketing Voucher?

Vouchers can be redeemed through the ticketing booth at McLean Park

Where will I be seated?

These vouchers grant access to general admission seating which includes the embankment area. 

Can I upgrade my ticket?

These vouchers allow for seating in general admission areas. However, there is an opportunity to upgrade to stand seats at ticketing booths at McLean Park, or at the Hawke's Bay Rugby Union office. For example is someone wanted to purchase a silver stand ticket ($22.50) they can use the $10 voucher and pay the extra $12.50 to upgrade. 


Is there a limit of how many I can sell?

There is a 10 ticket voucher minimum but no maximum limit.

What if I don't sell all the vouchers?

You can return them to Hawke's Bay Rugby Union and you will not be charged for the unsold ones.

Who do I give my money to when I have sold my vouchers?

​​​​​​​To the person organzing your fundraiser and they will return it to Hawke's Bay Rugby Union and collect your share.

Keen to get going on the fundraising? Contact us to grab your ticket vouchers 

You can contact us at any time if you have any further questions.

Contact Caleb Horsefield

Ph 06 835 7617
