Marlborough Dressage Champions / Trophy Awards

Summer/winter events:

For overall champion and reserve champion awards

Points are allocated 1st = 10 2nd= 9 3rd = 8 etc per class for each combination

In equal placings, equal points given, subsequent points for placings below are deducted 1 point, up to 10 placings.

Points awarded per class for each combination

In the case of equal points overall, highest average % will determine the winner.

CHAMPIONSHIP (Premier League) Show:

Points awarded 20 for first, 18 for 2nd etc. Points awarded per class for each combination

For unregistered classes Champions and Reserves.In the case of equal points overall, highest average % will determine the winner.

For registered classes Champions and Reserves: The horse with the highest aggregate allocated points from specified classes will be the Championship winner.

In the event of a tie, the combination with the highest place in the final qualifier class is the winner. If there is still a tie, the combination with the highest aggregate collective marks in the final qualifier will be the winner. If there is a further tie, the combination with the highest average % in two qualifier classes will be the winner.

National Series classes - In the case of equality in any qualifying class, the higher collective marks will determine the

higher placing. If the competitors are still equal, then the higher co-efficient marks will determine the placings.

If there is still an equality of points, the competitors are given the same placing

Freestyle Tests: If two competitors have the same final total, the one with the higher marks for Artistic Presentation will be the winner. If they are still equal on the marks for Artistic Presentation then the competitors are given the same placing.

Note- no equal placings for National series classes

National series class winners receive sponsor rosettes; all other classes MD rosettes to 4th place

Champions and Reserve Champion sashes or rosettes awarded for all levels: Most points over all classes or specified classes per combination per level

All trophies for registered horses/ponies only - 13 TROPHIES AWARDED


Taiko trophy – overall points from amateur clases only  adult ( 21 yrs or over)winner-if equal points, goes to highest % in whatever the test being used for Super 5 ; If there is still a tie, the combination with the highest aggregate collective marks in the final qualifier will be the winner. If there is a further tie, the combination with the highest average % in two qualifiers will be the winner.

Herkt Family Trophy;most points for advanced and above combinations per level per allocated classes

If equal, select highest % in National Series class 

Vause Overall Pony Trophy: Taken from Registered Pony classes and ponies entered in horse classes above the highest level pony class offered

Most points per pony and rider combination per level; rider aged 16yrs or under ( see Article 462 .5 for age rule)/ pony max height 148cm: If equal points, will be given to highest % in National Series class. If there is still a tie, the combination with the highest aggregate collective marks will be the winner.

If no pony classes, taken from any combination ridden in horse classes.

Bitteschon Memorial Trophy: Highest percentage musical freestyle 

Gayendo Trophy - Young Rider: awarded to the highest percentage in the National Series Qualifier class. Age of rider 16-21 yrs. If there is a tie, the combination with the highest aggregate collective marks will be the winner.

Inishmore Fionne Young Dressage Horse Trophy:

Must be a registered horse(not pony)

Young Dressage Horse- 4yo - level 1 or above

- 5yo- level 2 or above

- 6yo - level 3 or above

: trophy awarded to combination with highest % in the National Series Qualifier class

If there is a tie, the combination with the highest aggregate collective marks will be the winner.

Faircloth Trophy(salver) –most points overall for a Marlborough rider -includes all registered classes inc amateur rider classes.

If equal points,select rider with highest % in National Series qualifier

Schindler Trophy - Area Teams award:

Nominate 3 to 4 riders.Combinations may only enter into 1 team. Each team member must be a different rider . Each team must have its members all from the same area, but may have 1 from another area if unable to fill a team.

Classes to count are Saturday- 1 class specified-usually will be the morning test for levels below level 6.Includes non graded.Highest average % between all team members.  If equal points, team with highest team member individual % wins.

Champion Junior Rider -12-16 yos on a horse. Per combination per 1 level. Most points win. Includes non grading classes.

Champion Pony Rider – under 12 yos – Includes non grading classes.

Masters Award - 50 yrs and over.  Graded classes only. Per combination for 1 level. Most points win.

Other : Best presented- sash-chosen by judges

SUMMER SERIES - must have attended 2 of the 3 days (or 3 0f 4) at that level - Trophies -12 total

Rosettes 1st-4th / Champion and Reserve Champion sashes for all levels.

8 Rearing horse Trophies -For registered horses/ponies- first 5 levels, 6 and 7(combined) 8 and 9 (combined),

“ Pony overall”-registered ponies only (148 cm or under/rider 16 yrs or less)( see Article 462 .5 for age rule) (if no pony classes,can be given to highest average % pony in horse classes.)

Roanoake Just Tru Memorial trophy- :young rider 12-21 years/ highest average % in lowest level ridden. .Registered OR unregistered

Walnut Ranch Amateur Rider Trophies -Amateur rider classes levels Preliminary, Novice, Elementary- most points each.If no specific class, Amateur rider in open levels with most points wins. (riders will be assessed as Amateur according to DNZ amateur rules at that time )

WINTER SERIES - must have attended 3 of the 4 days at that level

Rosettes 1st-6th Sashes- Champion and Reserve for all levels

Trophies –horseheads-for first 5 levels-most points

Pony (148cm) overall trophy-for preliminary and above only. (lead rein and introductory excluded) Rider 16 yrs or under