Years 1-6 Netball 2025


Years 1-6.


Terms 2 and 3.


Year 1 and 2: 4v4 - the ideal number of players is 6-7.

Year 3 and 4: 5v5 - the ideal number of players is 7-8.

Year 5 and 6: 6v6 - the ideal number of players is 8-9.


Year 1 and 2: 2 x 6-minute halves, with a 1-minute break in between.

Year 3 and 4: 2 x 13-minute halves, with a 2-minute break in between.

Year 5 and  6: 4 x 8-minute quarters, with 2-minute breaks in between.


The registration fee for Years 3 - 6 is $140 incuding referee costs.

Year 1 and 2 Future Ferns Fee is $30.


In 2025, there will be a preseason training program offered for Years 5 and 6 students run at Marsden. More information on preseaon training will be available early 2025.


No trials held for Year 3 - 6.         


Each team requires a team manger to coordinate the team, including all communications between the Sports Department and their team parents. 

Our years 1-6 teams will be mostly coached by students, however, we require a parent coach support who is able to lead the team if the student coach is unable to make games due to their own game time. This parent would be welcome to attend trainings. (The coach support and team manager could be the same person).


Years 3 - 6 play weekly Saturday games at Cardinal McKeefry School Netball Courts. Season, exclusion and rain dates TBC. 

Years 1 and 2 play three tournament days at the end of the season (late August, early September)

More information about the modified games can be found here.​​​​​​​


One practice per week; duration, day, and time-dependent on the availability of the courts and coach.

Every effort is made to have practices during lunchtimes but unfortunately, this is not always possible.


Years 1 - 4 play in the Marsden PE uniform. white ankle socks, and sports shoes.

Years 5 and 6 play in the green, blue, and white netball skirt, light blue PE top, white ankle socks, and sports shoes.

Tracksuits should be worn to and from games. It is essential that the girls’ uniform is neat and tidy.

Players are permitted to wear dark blue thermals under their playing uniform on colder days.

Each girl must have nails trimmed, hair tied back, earrings removed and suitable footwear for both practice and the game.