Results for the 2024-25 Season​​​​​​​

The Lois Thomson Cup (previously Mixed Pairs) - this is now a disc drawn triples competition and was won this season by Joe, Karen Mc and Tim  

The Draper Cup - The format of this competition was changed this season to make more club members eligible to play. A skip could play with a lead, a three with a two or a lead, a two with a three or a two or a lead and a lead with a skip, three, two or a lead (adds up to 5). Congratulations to this year's winners Paddy Kempthorne and Tim Clarkson with the runners up Dianne and Patrick FitzGerald  

The Whitwam Cup - 

Golden Age Singles  -  

Patron's Rosebowl was played in October at Hutt Bowling Club.  HBC were winners on the day

Hutt Valley Banner and Gough 24th Sept - 

Owles Trophy was played early on in the season against the Hutt Bowling club.  Hutt won this seasons competition.  

Hutt Valley Cup and Bowl