1. Deposit and Confirmation
The Venue Hire as specified is payable within 7 days of the receipt of the Confirmation of Booking. The Client’s deposit is acceptance of these terms and conditions. (Failure to pay the deposit within the stated 7 days will result in automatic cancellation of the booking).
If the booking is cancelled within 60 days of the date of the booking there will be no refund of the room hire, your bond will be returned to you. Upon your payment via invoice, this is confirmation of your booking and therefore no refund will apply for whatever occurring reason.
The Client shall comply with the Health & Safety in Employment Act 1992 and acknowledges that for the time of the function the client is the ‘Person in Control’ for the purposes of the Act. The client shall be responsible for ensuring the health and safety of contractors, their employees and subcontractors and any other person (visitor or otherwise) who enters the site in conjunction with the function or preparations for the function. The Licensor may at their sole discretion take any steps that they deem necessary to ensure the Health and Safely of the event including hiring safety equipment and charging the costs of any such equipment onto the Licensee.
6. Consumption of Food and Beverages
The Pakuranga United Rugby Club shall have the right to exclude or remove, as the case may be, any person or persons from the function and the premises if the Pakuranga United Rugby Club considers that the behaviour of such persons is objectionable or disorderly or likely to result in loss or damage to the premises or its contents or otherwise.
Ensuring a safe event experience for you and your guests.
The Pakuranga United Rugby Club operates as a licensed premise under the terms and conditions of The Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
The ability to host functions and events within The Pakuranga United Rugby Club provides a source of funding to benefit the club, its members, its teams and facilities. The potential risks to our liquor licence could impact the club, its members, its teams and club faculties.
Just like a bar or a nightclub located in the Viaduct Harbour, Ponsonby or Howick, The Pakuranga United Rugby Club is no different. Arriving with alcohol of any kind, with the intention of bringing alcohol into the club is prohibited. Alcohol purchased and consumed onsite is not permitted to leave the licensed premises at all times.
The Pakuranga United Rugby Club provides parking for guests attending an event held within the club. A liquor ban is in place within the car park and on club property to reduce concerns as loitering, vehicle damage, property damage and to ensure pedestrian safety while in the carpark.
We recommend guests on arrival, make their way to the main club entry, as we can provide a safe and secure environment within the club premises.
Event entry
Any person showing signs of intoxication, being under the influence of drugs, showing signs of or behaving in a disorderly manner will be denied entry to the club premises. This ensures a safe and comfortable environment for all event attendees. The Pakuranga United Rugby Club reserves the right to refuse entry as per The Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Safety and security personnel.
Safety and security personnel will be present to ensure a safe and secure event environment for guests to enjoy there evening safely. The security provider has been employed by and acts on behalf of The Pakuranga United Rugby Club to reduce risks associated with our liquor licence and to assist the club with guest safety while attending an event. Safety and security personnel carryout their duties in the best interests of the club and with the safety of our guests in mind.
The Licensor may remedy any default of the Licensee under this agreement and charge the Licensee all costs (including penalty interest under this agreement and any other interest and legal cost) in so doing.
Our Facilities and Buildings are fitted with Smoke Detectors. Smoke Machines are not permitted to be used in any circumstances without prior written authorization from Pakuranga United Rugby Club Management. All costs incurred due to the isolation of alarms or Fire Brigade callouts due to false alarms will be met in full by the Licensee and you will be liable to cover the cost.
A fully refundable bond $350.00 may be required from the Client prior to the commencement of the Client’s function. This bond will be refunded in full upon an inspection of the facilities by management should there be no damage, food cemented into carpet, alchol brought into premises or vomiting or any incurring charges.
The prices quoted in the information pack you have received are subject to change. Pakuranga United Rugby Club will notify the client of any alterations to prices as they occur.
To protect the license premises and the safety of our members and our Guest, our host responsibility is that Two security guards are required for larger groups and 21st Birthdays, 2x Guards @ $500.00 for five hours
Signed ……………………………………….
Date ………………………………………..
Montressor's Function Centre
Lloyd Elsmore Park, Pakuranga, Auckland
contact | enquire | terms & conditions