Netball Mainland Zone

‘One night only’ and a hub trip to South Canterbury Centre’s

We have been lucky enough to get out to spend some time enjoying the hospitality of the South Canterbury Centre’s.  At the end of June some of the team headed down to Waimate, Geraldine and Timaru to connect and support ongoing developments in the NetballSmart, participation and coaching space.


Firstly, we made our way to Waimate Netball Centre and engaged with the year 1-6, and 7-8 players during their weekly netball afternoon. Kick starting with a NetballSmart Future Ferns warm-up, players then participated in skills activities facilitated by their coaches. We had the privilege of joining in to support the learning objectives before the games were played.


A special shout out to Waimate High School year 7&8 team who immersed themselves in the training session, followed by their senior A netball team stretching a thorough NetballSmart warmup before they played their evening match at the stadium.


It was a pleasure to join Geraldine Netball Centre, who host a fantastic future ferns campaign, giving Kiana Gallon the opportunity to facilitate a mass NetballSmart warm up to re-engage young players with the importance of warming up before each session. It was great to see so many coaches having fun and the willingness to learn and extend their coaching capabilities with the support of Mainland Coach Lead, Kelly Bodger.


Netball South Canterbury in Timaru, lastly hosted a great workshop with 23 coaches, umpire and players joining in with us on our ‘One Night Only’ coaching development opportunity. With a focus on using Netball’s three-legged stall analogy, we were able to incorporate different approaches to training sessions, Featuring:

  • NetballSmart Warm up and tips
  • Skill delivery
  • Skill extensions
  • Cool down and recovery


Following the evening workshop, the Netball Mainland Team made a presence on Saturday 24th June supporting Netball South Canterbury members for the day, while Kiana facilitated more mass NetballSmart warm-ups over the sound system for the junior netball grades.


It was a great time for coaches to reflect on where they are as coaches, as well as get some more tools to put in their coaching Kete’s. Thank you to all the Centre’s we were fortunate enough to work alongside and we appreciate the warm welcome from everyone involved.









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