In January, for the first time ever at Ngā Puna Wai, Christchurch Netball Centre welcomed over 60 outstanding Year 7-9 participants to CNC Junior Summer Camp.
At Junior Summer Camp, CNC introduces a holistic approach to netball, with sessions on nutrition, mental skills, core strength and game skills.
The success of CNC programmes including Junior Summer Camp relies upon the generosity and dedication of volunteers such as Pam Ormandy, Mere Matenga and Roger van Berkel, willing to share their time, energy and experience. According to Mere: "It's just as good for me as it is for them. It gets me ready for the season as well." We also had Netball Mainland there, represented by Lou Milne and Jacinda Valentine.
“Lou and Jacinda supported with coaching sessions and helped with our lunchtime nutrition module as well. Their coaching support provided guidance on skill correction, which helps participants prepare for upcoming netball trials and the winter season ahead.”
The spacious mezzanine and brand new indoor courts at Ngā Puna Wai provided the perfect setting. The all-weather space proved ideal protection from scorching 32 degree temperatures outside.
Two families travel from Queenstown each January especially for the CNC Junior Summer Camp programme for Year 7-9 participants. Netball parent Kerryn Bell says that her family’s trip for 2025 is already confirmed as well.
“We don’t have anything like this in Queenstown. The girls loved it! It’s great for them. I like all the different components – plus playing with different people and different coaches.”
Thank you to Rebecca from Grassroots Yoga, Bernie from Southwest Muscular Therapy and Saoirse from Building Balance Nutrition for your informative and inspiring sessions, which added incredible value for our participants.
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Pam Ormandy, Annalise Graham, Sara Norton, Roger van Berkel, Mere Matenga - Left to right.
Article added: Monday 29 January 2024