futureFERNS review
Netball New Zealand are currently undertaking a 17-week review of the futureFERNS programme after 10 years in operation. The review runs until April 2024 and will involve hearing from the wider community along with regular updates along the way. Any changes will be rolled out in 1, 2 or 3-year increments depending on the outcomes and how much change they potentially involve. There are no pre-determined outcomes, and we are very open to looking at all aspects of game satisfaction for all participants.
futureFERNS website
The futureFERNS dedicated website where you can find the research behind the game formats, resources and helpful information is: https://futureferns.co.nz/
There are a range of resources across all age ranges available to help you develop and run your futureFERNS programme. Contact your Zone Participation Lead Lou Milne if you do not have these and would like them.
Coaching Resources
Game format information
Coach Workbooks
futureFERNS recruitment poster media tile
Player Development Programme Resource
For any questions about futureFERNS (FF) for 2024, please contact our Participation Lead – Lou Milne lou.milne@netballmainland.co.nz
Article added: Monday 29 January 2024