In early 2021, when a local enquired about Walking Netball (for the 2nd time), the Motueka Netball Centre (MNC) board decided to give it a try later that year. With a $1,000 grant from a Primary Health Organization (PHO), we acquired Walking Netball essentials (balls, bibs, first aid kit, whistles) and covered initial hall costs. To enhance the social aspect, MNC board decided to offer morning tea in the netball office after each game. To raise awareness, MNC promoted this new opportunity on their Facebook page and distributed flyers to medical facilities and physio clinics. Starting in May 2021, the program, initially with only enough players to play on a halcourt, gained momentum until the second lockdown in July 2021.
After a restart delay until early 2022 due to Covid concerns, the program flourished with a small but enthusiastic group. Currently we have between 14 to 18 participants (sometimes up to 23) weekly. The sessions, funded by a gold coin donation or a concession card, provide a warm and supportive environment for former netball enthusiasts aged from mid-50s to early 80s.
MNC and Nelson Netball Centre both have Walking Netball on the same day. Each term, we arrange an exchange where our players get to enjoy a game together, followed by a communal morning tea.
We're looking forward to kicking off Walking Netball for 2024.
MNC Walking netball decided to get black tops made so they looked like a team when playing against Nelson. MNC players on right in black tops