Fast 5 Competition
Competition Information
Our Fast 5 Competition is run in conjunction with our Youth Advisory Group who support the design of this competition. The YAG are looking to include a Tuakana - Teina competition, meaning now the inclusion of adults interacting in the sport with youth.
The competition is now open to people aged 11+ and has available two grades:
Competitive Grade
Social Grade
Each team can have up to 8 players registered of which up to 3 can be male.
Each grade must have a minimum of 6 teams with a maximum of 12 registered to compete.
The competition plays at Vautier Park, Puriri Terrace, Palmerston North Back Courts (Tremaine Avenue drive way) Thursdays from 5.00pm
Cost per team: $40.00
For more information, please do not hesitate to contact Rebecca on the below email
Email: for more information.
Game Cancellations:
Cancellation of games will be made at 3.30pm via our Netball Manawatu Facebook Page