WBOP Zone Coach Development April Update

WBOP Zone Coach Lead Kim Hunt has been out and about visiting Centres

Kim kicked off 2024 with a Selecting workshop in Whakatane where coaches were engaged and motivated to incorporate new learning’s into updating their current delivery processes and policies. From here Leigh Ashton joined Kim and both headed south to Gisborne enjoying another welcoming environment and group of coaches focusing on Game Analysis and Through Court. Athletes were invited too, and coaches were able to practice their art in a live training practical session, inspiring each other and working collaboratively to explore tactical game strategies and observe how players engaged and adapted. Thank you Centres for your hospitality and great company outside of work time too!

Who needs another online meeting? Not long after returning from Gisborne, three members of our team - Aimee Te Whata, Leigh, and Kim - jumped at the chance to catch up poolside in Cambridge with Liz from Putaruru.

Next  Leigh and Kim ventured off into the King Country to Ōtorohanga where we proudly observed Dot, Marrianne and the committee facilitate conversations and feedback from their community exploring the inclusion of boys/males in netball followed by a quick Rules Update session by Umpire Coach Ange Telfer. These workshops are not just for umpires so please encourage “ALL” your coaches and athletes to attend a workshop near you.

After all that action on the road it was time to come home for a coffee and breakfast catch up in Cambridge with Rebecca Greenhalgh who is full of energy and ideas to support coach development as well as providing another selecting workshop.

NNZ Community Coach Award 1 Achievement

Congratulations to Megan Quinn from Hamilton City Netball Centre (pictured right) for completing her CCA1 Award. There are 9 modules including online components to complete this - well done.

Selecting Padlet

Kim has put together a padlet for any centre/school/club with useful resources all in one place. If you are looking to run more effective trials, need new templates or thinking about updating policies or advertising and interviewing for coaches and managers have a look at what is available and get in contact with Kim for further support.


SHNL Pre-Season Tournament Workshop

Leigh Gibbs (NNZ), Pam Clayton (WBOP Zone Umpire Lead) and Kim hosted a group of 17 coaches that worked alongside umpire coaches observing games. Coaches were challenged to unpack what was happening in the game and more importantly – why it happened? We were fortunate to hear post-match from SHNL Head and Assistant Coaches, Umpire’s including Tania Fink, WBOP Zone Player Pathways Lead Rachel Davis, as well as a workshopping lunch with an invitational Men’s Team.

Coach Developer (CD) Professional Development

The National Coach Lead team and NNZ National Training Manager Leigh Gibbs provided two online workshops for CD’s highlighting the Fundamentals of a Coach Developer and Self Care which is important for us all especially as Netball is already humming. WBOP had 6 CD’s attend.

Central North Island Area Schools Clinic

Irene Gubb and Michelle Paama, both from Hamilton City, delivered a fantastic 2-day coaching clinic in Te Awamutu for the Central North Island Area Schools. Kim attended in support of these coaches. Nick Burton (WBOP Zone NetballSmart Officer) provided Netball Smart components and then players enjoyed engaging skills sessions learning to master some basic fundamentals. Players improved quickly over the two days and had great attitudes towards each other, the game, and all educators. Rachel Davis attended the trial games to scout for WBOP Zone player pathways. If you are interested in seeing this team in action, their National Tournament is being held at the Te Awamutu Events Centre over the second week in July.



Kim Hunt, WBOP Zone Coach Lead

Article added: Friday 03 May 2024


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