WBOP Zone Technical Officials April Update

2024 Rules Update Workshops

Our amazing team of facilitators have been busy across WBOP Zone delivering nearly 30 workshops both in-person and online. The feedback has been very positive and we  look forward to seeing our Umpires and players taking to the courts with confidence as netball starts in earnest. 

The workshops are generating great conversations around player safely while supporting a skilful and well contested game.

If you want to  know where  workshops are planned or would like to host one in your Centre, please contact me via eamail at umpirelead@netballwbop.co.nz and I will happy to assist you with organising.

Umpire Coach Development at WBOP SHNL Pre-season Tournament

Our Umpire Coach Developers and Player Coach Developers came together across the two days at the WBOP SHNL Pre-season Tournament, 16-17 March at Cambridge High School. The theme was 'Seeing the game from another lens'. The weekend was jam packed with great netball, awesome networking and sharing of ideas.

Thank you to Leigh Gibbs NNZ and Kim Hunt WBOP Coach Lead, as well as Tania Fink from NNZ, for contributing to a great learning weekend for all.

Netball Whakatane Centre Umpire Support

We enjoyed a day with the Netball Whakatane Centre umpire support crew who led a teambuilding day, which provided a strong platform for Umpire development in their Centre.


Student Umpire Support at Putaruru Netball Centre

Myself and Aimee Te Whata (WBOP Zone Participation Activator) worked with an fantastic group of young umpires and Putaruru Netball Centre committee members for an Introduction to Umpiring session. It was also great to support the Centre to connect senior umpires and parents as mentors who will support these young umpires through the season and we hope that some of these mentors will become part of our umpire coach team.


Bench Officials Training in Gisborne

Belinda Clarke (WBOP Bench Officials Trainer) joined me on a recent road trip to Gisborne that included two days of jam-packed activities for trainee bench officials and developing umpire coaches. For the first session, an enthusiastic group were introduced to the many and varied tasks required to run a complete bench. This was followed up the next evening with the opportunity to put into practice their new skills working live on the Gisborne Netball Centre Premier Grade games. 

The umpire coaching group participated in a workshop to refresh existing skills and challenged to explore ways to add to their coaching toolbox. The following evening saw the umpire coaches collaborating to coach across the GNC Premier Grade games too. It was an awesome experience to see the growth achieved and the enthusiasm to support their umpires.

Thank you to Belinda Clarke for your amazing mahi.



Pam Clayton, WBOP Zone Umpire Lead

Article added: Friday 03 May 2024


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