The mission of the North Island Ice Skating Sub Association is to provide programmes to encourage participation and achievement in the sport of Ice Figure Skating on the basis of friendship, fairness and mutual understanding between sportsmen. The North Island Ice Skating Sub Association shall ensure that the interests of all Members are observed and respected
- The objects of the NIISSA are:
- To undertake, facilitate and encourage the Sport;
- To promote the maintenance of high standards of performance and conduct in the Sport;
- To initiate, promote and facilitate where necessary
- ice figure skating competitions, championships, exhibitions and proficiency tests;
- the instruction of ice figure skating, choreography, off-ice work, fitness and judging as they may apply to the Sport;
- ideas and schemes to enhance any of the above activities;
- To acquire, analyse and disseminate information and knowledge of relevance to Members;
- To raise monies and apply for sponsorship in order to carry out the various objects of the NIISSA;
- To support and co-operate with all groups which promote, pursue or support objects similar to the objects of the NIISSA, both nationally and internationally;
- To comply with and submit to the rules, by-laws, regulations, resolutions and obligations of the New Zealand Ice Figure Skating Association (NZIFSA) and the International Skating Union (ISU) insofar as they are applicable to the NIISSA;
- To recognise the NZIFSA as having the final right to determine all disputes in relation to the NZIFSA and ice figure skating excluding disciplinary matters and disciplinary hearings; and
- To do any other thing which the NIISSA deems to be necessary or conducive to achieving the objects of the NIISSA and exercising the powers of the NIISSA.