North Shore Model Railway Club invites you to our OPEN DAY
Sunday 24th November, 10am-3pm 9 Recreation Drive, Birkenhead.
ENTRY BY DONATION ( $5 per person or $10 per family suggested) Eftpos available, Cash or Online Bank Transfer
The club is one of the largest indoor HO/OO gauge layouts in New Zealand.
We also have a large library of books and magazines, as well as a well-equipped workshop.
Our members are enthusiastic model railroaders with varied skills and interests. Some concentrate on NZ Railway locomotives and scenery, whilst others are passionate about modelling the US scene and another group concentrate on British models.
You will see our layout caters for these groups: look out for Waimarino station at the top of the spiral; Amberley, the home of British Rail; and Indian Hill with its US cityscape scenery.
As you tour the layout you will see locomotives and rolling stock representing all three groups. Glydebourne (NZR), Amberley (British)