Registration 2025

​​​​​​​PLEASE NOTE: From 2025 onwards registrations for New Zealand rugby will be handled through Rugby Xplorer. ​​​​​​​

Step 1. All players, managers and coaches must create a Rugby Xplorer account. 

Go here to signup for Rugby Xplorer:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Step 2. Once you have signed up and you are logged in to Rugby Xplorer you can register for the club. 

​​​​​​​   -Senior players, coaches and managers register with North Shore Rugby (Seniors) 

  -Junior players, coaches and managers register with North Shore Rugby (Juniors)

Follow either the senior registration link or the junior registration link below: ​​​​​​​

Troubleshooting Rugby Xplorer Registration

If the links on this page are not working or you are having trouble registering, follow these steps. You can also find more detailed guides here: Rugby Xplorer Support.

Step 1: Sign Up for Rugby Xplorer

  1. Go to Rugby Xplorer.
  2. Click Create a Rugby Xplorer account.
  3. Fill in the registration form and click Next.
  4. Check your email for a verification message and click Verify Email.
  5. Set your password to complete the signup process.

Step 2: Register with North Shore RFC

  1. Log in to your Rugby Xplorer account at if you are not already logged in.
  2. Click RegisterFind Club.
  3. Select who you are registering:
    • If registering yourself, select your profile and click Next.
    • If registering for someone else link a Secondary Account.
      • Secondary accounts are for:
        • Parents/guardians registering their child.
        • Players without email addresses (linked to a primary account).
        • Family members sharing an email address (linked automatically in the system).
      • ​​​​​​​Choose your club:
        • Senior Players, Coaches, or Managers → Search for and select North Shore Rugby (Seniors).
        • Junior Players, Coaches, or Managers → Search for and select North Shore Rugby (Juniors).
  4. Select your registration type:
    • Choose your role: Player, Coach, or Manager.
    • Select the appropriate registration type (Note: the senior club will have only two types):
      • Senior men: Senior Men Premier.
      • Senior women: Senior Women Premier.
    • Select Season for the duration, then click Next.
  5. Complete additional details:
    • Fill in the form and click Next.
    • Enter an emergency contact (or a parent/guardian contact if under 18), then click Next.
    • Answer any required additional questions and click Next.
  6. Pay the registration fee and click Finish to complete your registration.



  • Managers must also now register as well as coaches and players.
  • In rugby xplorer there are two clubs for shore. Seniors register with North Shore Rugby (Seniors). Juniors register with North Shore Rugby (Juniors).