Whitestone Contracting Oamaru Triathlon and South Island Secondary Schools Triathlon & Duathlon Champs


  • All competitors enter solely at their OWN RISK.
  • The ORGANISERS WILL NOT BE LIABLE for any loss or damage to competitor’s equipment.
  • Events may consist of individuals or teams. Teams in the Duathlon must consist of at least 2 individuals, and in the Triathlon and Sec Schools Triathlon, 2 or 3 individuals.
  • Competitors who WITHDRAW from any event must NOTIFY THE RACE DIRECTOR as soon as possible.
  • Race Marshals reserve the right to withdraw a competitor if they believe the competitor’s health is at risk.
  • Equipment must meet safety standards and be in good working order.
  • Good sportsmanship at all times
  • You must obey traffic regulations/Road Code and race officials at all times. Although there is a full road closure, the road traffic rules apply to all competitors throughout the event.
  • Treat other competitors, officials and volunteers with respect and courtesy: there is no race without them
  • Do not accept assistance from anyone not competing in the race
  • If you deliberately impede the progress of another competitor you will be disqualified.
  • You must not use radios, headsets, digital music players or CD players
  • Swim section—no baggy shorts (safety restriction)
  • In an emergency on the swim, an athlete should raise an arm overhead and call for assistance
  • Swim start is a beach start
  • Only competitors are permitted in the transition areas
  • Keep your gear close by your bike so others do not trip over or get held up by it
  • You must not ride in any transition area, and you must run your bike over the mount line and get off before the dismount line. Failure to mount or dismount in the correct manner will result in a penalty.
  • You must return your bike to the same place it was racked at the start
  • Your helmet must be fastened before you remove your bike from the rack and stay fastened until you have re-racked the bike on your return Approved helmets must be worn on the cycle section.
  • Running shoes must be worn on the run. In the run section, you may walk if you wish. 
  • Do not discard bottles or anything else on any part of the course. You can discard in the transition only where your gear is stored. Do not leave gear in access lanes
  • No personal equipment is to be removed from transition until all competitors are back over the finish line
  • TAGGING - teams tag their team member in the transition area
  • Have a great race and enjoy yourself!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Secondary school section: Principal's Signature—please note that it is a requirement of School Sport NZ that the student's entry is signed by the Principal. The official form is on the registration page. The form can be emailed to oamarumultisportclub@gmail.com  or provided on the day at registration.

SSNZ eligibility guidelines School Sport New Zealand - Eligibility & Regulations (schoolsportnz.org.nz)

TRI NZ RULES (SISS only): for full details  https://triathlon.kiwi/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Tri-NZ-Competition-Rules-August-2022.pdf

Bikes must have the following characteristics (as per draft legal races):

Frame: the frame of the bike shall be of a traditional pattern, i.e., built around a main triangle of three straight or tapered tubular elements, which may be round, oval, flattened, teardrop shaped or otherwise in cross-section. Bikes built around a diamond shape (no saddle down tube) or with a rear triangle which does not connect at the top of the downtube/top tube section are considered acceptable. 

The frame will be no more than two (2) metres long, and fifty (50) centimetres wide for draft legal competitions. 

The frame will measure at least 24 centimetres from the ground to the centre of the chain wheel axle. 

There will be a vertical line touching the front-most point of the saddle which will be no more than 5 centimetres in front of, and no more than 15 centimetres behind, a vertical line passing through the centre of the chain wheel axle, and an athlete must not have the capability of adjusting the saddle beyond these lines during competition. 

There will be no less than 54 centimetres and no more than 65 centimetres between a vertical line passing through the centre of the chain wheel axle and a vertical line through the centre of the front wheel axle. (Exceptions may be given for the bikes of very tall or very short athletes. This will be determined by the Technical Delegate). 

Windbreaks, other bodywork or other substantial means of reducing wind resistance on bicycles are prohibited. 

Add-ons, such as computer or lighting brackets and mounting points, must be positioned so as to prevent injury in the event of a crash or collision with other competitors or spectators. NB: This also applies to mountain bike handlebar extensions. 

Non-traditional or unusual bikes or equipment shall be illegal unless prior approval has been received from the Technical Delegate, prior to the start of the competition.


U19 school athletes are now allowed to use any wheels, only the U16 & U14's must have wheels with rims no more that 45mm in depth.

(i) No wheel may contain any mechanisms, which are capable of accelerating it. (ii) Tyres must be well glued, headsets tight and wheels true. (iii) There must be a brake on each wheel. 

(vi) Wheels must have the following characteristics (as per draft-legal competitions): 

· A diameter between 70cm maximum and 55 cm minimum, including the tyre. 

· Both wheels should be of equal dimension. 

· Wheels shall have at least 12 spokes. 

· Spokes can be round, flattened or oval, provided their width does not exceed 10mm. 

· Disc Wheels or wheel covers are not allowed 

· Wheels not complying with the requirements above are allowed to be used if they are included in the UCI approved wheels list.  

All wheels used must have a rim depth of no greater than 45mm and a minimum of 12 spokes. No wheel covers are permitted. 


Only traditional drop handlebars are permitted. The handlebars must be plugged; 

Certified clip-on handlebars will be permitted if they are not longer than the foremost line of the brake levers. 

· No space is permitted between the left and right hand side of the clip-on bar at its forward most point. 

· Forward facing clip-ons must have a solid standard factory bridge joining both sides of the clip-on at its forward most point. 

· Brake levers must be mounted on the handlebar, not on the clip-on handlebars 

· No forward facing gear shifters are allowed on the end of the clipon handlebars. 

· Clip-on handlebars must be mounted parallel to the ground. 

· Water bottles and water bottle holders may not be mounted onto the handlebars or clip-on. 

· Standard mountain bike bar-ends (“bull-horns”) may be allowed (when fitted on a mountain bike). These bar-ends must be plugged. If it is deemed that the bar ends are a danger to the athlete or another competitor rule 5.2a(ii) will apply 


 · The helmet must fit the athlete properly and the chin strap must be properly adjusted to ensure a secure fit. Hats or caps may be worn under the helmet so long as the helmet still fits correctly. Technical Officials may check helmets upon entry to transition to ensure compliance with this rule; 

· An alteration to any part of the helmet, including the chin strap, or the omission of any part of the helmet, including an outer cloth cover, is prohibited; 

· The helmet must be securely fastened at all times when the athlete is in possession of the bike, which means from the time they remove their bike from the rack at the start of the bike leg, until after they have placed their bike on the rack at the finish of the bike leg

Illegal Equipment includes, but is not limited to: · Headphone(s), headset(s) or technical earplug(s); · Glass containers; · Mobile phone(s) or any other electronic audio or communication device. Note that this includes the use of a “smart phone” as a bike computer or GPS device, Mirrors.

Bike Check: a) A visual bike check may take place upon check-in to the Transition Area before the competition. Technical Officials will check that the bikes comply with the Tri NZ Competition Rules. (Note: Bike checks undertaken by Technical Officials are only to ensure compliance with Tri NZ rules. It is not to be considered as a safety check, although if any safety defects are observed by the TO’s the defects be must corrected prior to race start. It is the responsibility of the athlete to ensure that their bike is safe to use.) b) Athletes may request approval from the Technical Delegate during the Athletes’ Briefing to allow them to make modifications, if necessary, to comply with the rules. 

ROAD CLOSURE - Triathlon/Duathlon and South Island Secondary Schools Triathlon and Duathlon, Sunday 2 March 2025.

There will be FULL road closure on the cycle course during the race.

Excellent spectating opportunities on Tyne and Humber St, Marine Parade and Waterfront Road.

Parking is available on the sea side of Scott’s Brewery, please note that access in/out of this area will be closed between 9.30 - 11.30am.

Please support the businesses in this area, especially the Farmers Market.

The event is based at the Oamaru Harbour. You can get there by going south along the main street, Thames Street, turn left at the end onto Itchen St, right onto Tyne St, then 2nd left onto Wansbeck St – there is a carpark on the right, it is signposted. Note that the road closure is effective 9.30-11.30am.
From the carpark you just walk across the railway line and registration is in the Steampunk playground.