Kia ora te whānau me te whānau whānui hoki, 

My name is Whaea Trace. I have been teaching for 14 plus years with a majority of my experience at Terrace School. I taught for a brief time in Rockhampton, Australia before returning home to my children and my mokopuna. I love basketball, softball and horse riding. I am an avid reader and writer. 

I am in my third year at Otane School, having started in 2019. I love all that this school has to offer, especially our amazing children and the journey that our school is on.​​​​​​​


Kia ora te whānau whānui hoki,

Ko Jennifer James toku ingoa. I am excited to teach Rimu this year and to embark on a learning journey with your beautiful tamariki. I have spent the past six years working in teacher education (mathematics) at Massey University. However, being a classroom teacher is where I began my career in education, and I now happily return to my roots! As well as mathematics, I love literature, theatre and history. I am passionate about finding what lights children up and supporting them to discover more. I love the whanau centred kaupapa of Otane kura. My door is always open, and I look forward to meeting all of you.

Nā to rourou, nā taku rourou ka ora ai te iwi, with your basket, and my basket, the people will live.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​SEANNE CLARKE -  TEACHER

Ko Kahuranaki te maunga

Ko Ngaruroro te awa

Ko Takitimu te waka

Ko Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi

Ko Ngāti Hori te hapū

Ko Kohupatiki te marae

Ko Seanne Karen Jean Clarke tōku ingoa

My name is Seanne Clarke. I am married to Robin Clarke and we have three children. Our eldest two, Tayne and Jessi attend CHB College and youngest, Kararaina attends Otane Primary School with me.

Proir to working at Otane School, I taught at Terrace Primary for 14 years and lead the bilingual unit for three years.

I have been teaching at Otane School for coming up to three years. Not only have I grown within my own development in education, my daughter has growth from strength to strength in who she is. I am thankful that Otane School has given us opportunities to grow and I can’t wait to see what 2020 has install for us.​​​​​​​


Tena Koutou Katoa,

Ko Takitimu te Waka

Ko Ngaruroro te Awa

Ko Kahuranaki te Maunga

Ko Ngati Poporo te Hapu

Ko Korongata te Marae

Ko Ngati Kahungunu ki Heretaunga Te Iwi

Ko Chad Doole toku ingoa

Hawkes Bay is where I was raised and educated, and Hastings is my home.

I have a Certificate in Agriculture, a Bachelor of Business Studies in Accounting, and a Graduate Diploma In Teaching. I have been a shepherd, a freezing worker, a Commercial cleaner, a factory worker, a stay home parent, a Trainee accountant, a teacher’s aid, and now a Teacher. I am a volunteer mentor and coach at the Hastings Boxing Academy where we train and mentor youth to be the best young people they can be. My hobbies are hunting, and fishing, and I am learning Te Reo Maori in my spare time.

Nga mihi Nui,

Tena Koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa


Kia ora te whānau me te whānau whānui hoki, 

My name is Whaea Nicole. I have just started my primary teaching career after teaching in Early Childcare centre's for the last 10 years.  I live in Otane with my hubby, two children (Fin is at Otane school),grandparents and dogs,cats and chickens.  We love this amazing community and how safe and nurturing it is. 

I am in my 1st term at Otane School, I am learning loads. I love all that this school has to offer, especially our amazing children and the values we uphold and the pride for our community.


I am a Teacher’s aide at Otane School. Before coming to New Zealand I was in the Women’s Royal Naval Service for 11 years and then worked with main-frame computers for several financial institutes, in the UK. I arrived in New Zealand in February 2006 and started working at the school as a Teacher’s Aide in November of the same year.  Anyone that knows me would tell you I absolutely love the school and community. I have helped out with the school’s Whānau Whānui and played netball for the Otane Rebels, before becoming an umpire. Otane School, to me, is like having an extended family. I feel proud to be a part of the School and the wider community.