
Boccia is a test of muscle control and accuracy. The goal of the sport is to throw or bowl your ball so it lands as close as possible to the 'jack' ball (very similar to bowls).
Throwing, kicking or the use of an assistive device can propel the ball onto the wooden court.
This game is played indoors on a smooth surface, players can compete individually or as part of a team.

Paralympic Classification 

There are four different classes for people who play boccia.

- BC1 - athletes with severe cerebral palsy who throw or kick a ball
- BC2 - athletes with cerebral palsy who throw the ball
- BC3 - athletes with cerebral palsy who use a ramp to play as they cannot throw
- BC4 - athletes who do not have cerebral palsy, but who can throw the ball.

Useful Links 

Boccia New Zealand: Click here
Cerebral Palsy International Sport and Recreation: Click Here
International Paralympic Committee: Click Here

Boccia in the Bay of Plenty!

Have-A-Go OPEN DAY was held in February at Club Mount Maunganui

We had a great turn out and a lot of interest was gained.  Our first block of training sessions was very successful and we had an awesome group of regular players.

The next Block of training sessions begins:

1st November - 6th December (Wednesdays)
5.00-6.30pm @ The Matua Hall, Levers Road, Tauranga

We encourage anyone interested in playing to come along and have a look at a session taking place and join in if you feel it is something you will enjoy

Please contact Ian 0277-069-133 or  to register your interest so you can be contacted when our planning is complete

If you are interested in Boccia either Playing or Volunteering please get in touch!
[email protected]

Join Cerebral Palsy Society NZ on Facebook: Click Here
or check out the Boccia facebook page: Click Here