​​​​​​​​​​​​​Registration Website

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Director of Sport 

Gwen Harrop - g.harrop@rangiruru.school.nz

Assistant Director of Sport

Sharon Lloyd - s.lloyd@rangiruru.school.nz

Sports Development Officer + Head of Year 7/8 Sport

Nicole Sinclair - n.sinclair@rangiruru.school.nz

Sports Coordinator + Netball Convenor

Savannah Laws - s.laws@rangiruru.school.nz

Sports Coordintor

Georgia Thomson - g.thomson@rangiruru.school.nz 

Welcome to the Rangi Ruru Sport Registration website.

The purpose of this website is to register for sport throughout the year.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

For information on sporting fixtures, check out our Sport Website here: Rangi Ruru Girls' School | Sports, Teams, Fixtures & Results