The South Canterbury kennels house 16 couple of good medium sized harrier hounds.

On any days hunting there will be 11 to 13 couple out.

The South Canterbury hounds are a nice even type with good noise that look well as a pack. Major influences have been Salute, a good natured hound who hunted particularly well, and some King Country blood through Uncle and Angel which has further developed the pack’s noise in the younger hounds.

The South Canterbury hounds are particularly nice natured which is in part due to breeding and the practice of “walking” pups by families for their first 6 months. These families may then sponsor that hound (see Hounds & Sponsors).

At the conclusion of each day's hunting the Huntsman will announce the hound which performed particularly well that day - the 'hound of the day'. At the end of the season the hound(s) with the most votes is awarded the 'Treason Trophy'. This trophy was presented to the South Canterbury Hunt by the Fisher Family in 2002.


Hound of the Day (2024): Click here

Hound sponsors (2024): Click here

Treason Trophy (Hound of the Year): Click here