The Ivan Armishaw Trophy
“Greatest contribution on & off the field”
1970 Keith Crawford
1971 George Depree
1972 Barry Hutcheson
1973 Colin Matson
1974 John Ward
1975 Lester Te Au
1976 Tim Gresson
1977 Brian Dore
1978 Colin Hawke
1979 Neil Wilkinson
1980 Brian Gibson
1981 John Harmon
1982 Neil Wilkinson
1983 Jim Smith
1984 Ian Keelty
1985 Kevin Scannell
1986 Dave Crean
1987 Ian Varcoe
1988 Trevor Sapwell
1989 Barry Tomkinson
1990 Trevor Sapwell
1991 Colin Hawke & Kevin Scannell
1992 John McGartland
1993 Brian Dore
1994 Colin Hawke
1995 Russell Leech