FORTHCOMING EVENTS at the Southland Indoor Bowls Centre, Onslow Street, Invercargill .
Monday 24th February, 7.30pm
SIBC Summer Triples, Points
Monday 24th March, 7.30pm
SIBC Opening Triples, Points
Monday 31st March, 7.30pm
SIBC Triples, Points
Monday 7th April, 7.30pm
SIBC Triples, Points
Thursday 10th April, 1.30pm
SIBC Open Triples, Points
Saturday 19th April, 1pm
Bill Kane Memorial Fours
Sunday 20th April, 10am - NOTE START TIME
Mark Keen Memorial Pairs
Monday 21st April, 9.30am
Mackie Family Singles
Saturday 26th April, 1pm
Mixed Fours, Southland Zone
Sunday 27th April, 1pm
Mixed Pairs, Southland Zone
All Southland Centre events - Entries to Jean Hoddinott ph 03 214 3440 or Executive Officer, Southland Indoor Bowls
ph 03 216 6191