If you are looking for a club in your area, you can find one by visiting our club directory and following the links to each clubs Facebook page and Sporty page to find which club best suits your needs. From Premier Grade to Presidents to Womens Rugby you can check out our 2021 Senior Club formats to find out where each of our clubs fits in.

Giving back to the game as a coach is always a rewarding experience. Whether you are just looking to help out the Presidents Grade team or want to go on to coach the Stags, Rugby Southland offers a range of courses to get you up to speed for where you want to go. If you have any questions contact one of our coach educators. 

Referees are a vital part of the game, why don’t you make you the call and pick up the whistle? There are some awesome perks involved as well. To get involved with refereeing senior rugby (or whatever grade interests you) visit the Rugby Southland Referees website link below or contact Referee Education Officer Dermot Hughes.

Every club or school relies on the helpers behind the scenes to keep things ticking along. You can register as a volunteer on your club or schools Sporty page. If you have any questions about volunteering, contact Rugby Southland Community Rugby Administrator Nanette Innes for more information. Her contact details can be found below.