Starborough Hunt Inc is a well-established Marlborough club with a committed membership dedicated to the sport of hunting with hounds. Our season runs from the early April through until the end of July, and we regularly hunt a number of iconic Marlborough properties.
Uniform: Green Coat, Ancient MacLauchlan Tartan Collar
Joint Masters: Mr Vincent Redwood Mob: 027 405 4174
Mr Alan Jones Mob: 027 442 9603
Deputy Master: Mr Grant Burnett Mob: 0274 420 113
Huntsman: Kate Manchester Mob: 027 419 2470
Secretary: Michelle Campbell Email: starboroughhunt@gmail.com
Meet: Saturdays
Cap: $35 seniors, $10 juniors
(NZHA Levy of $40 at first hunt per rider + cap for hunters not affiliated with a NZHA Hunt)